Travel with Kris: an innovative exhibition in Shen Zhen: Teamlab ☀️ 跟Kris一起去深圳:Teamlab——結合藝術和科技的視覺盛宴☀️

Hi Steemit Friends,


Hope you are doing good today. ❤️ I would like to continue my Shen Zhen trip in this post. After having a delicious lunch at Ri Ri Xiang, we walked to the Dream Aquarium to visit a fascinating exhibition, “teamLab: Dance! Art Exhibition, Learn & Play! Future Park”.

Steemit的朋友大家好,長假期快樂❤️ 上次跟大家分享了日日香鵝肉飯店,今天想繼續分享我在深圳的旅行,今天想分享的是一個超夢幻,結合藝術與科技的展覽—Teamlab。

TeamLab: Dance! Art Exhibition, Learn & Play! Future Park 🌈

TeamLab, was founded in 2001 in Tokyo, is a leading digital art team formed by professionals from various fields of practice in the digital society including architects, artists, engineers and CG animators etc. The group aims to go beyond the boundaries between art, technology and science through their innovative and interactive art works.

This exhibition was rewarded as " Top 10 art exhibition" by the world's biggest creative media "design boom"in 2015 and 2016. 8 different creative art works and 6 digital installations are included in this exhibition with the use of projection mapping and other technologies, including light and sound.

teamlab舞動藝術展&未來遊樂園 🌈

Teamlab曾連續兩年被意大利知名網站《design boom》評為全球十大必看展覽,在日本、美國、韓國、新加坡等各國舉辦,而這次在深圳舉辦的展覽是全球規模最大,總展覽面積近4000平方米,展出作品包括了6件數字化裝置和8件兒童作品,所以是一個超適合親子遊和文青的展覽。


There are two ways for getting tickets. You can purchase the tickets in advanced from Girara and get your tickets with the machine outside the venue. Another way is to buy the tickets at door, but they DON'T accept cash, you can only purchase the tickets either with your credit card or Wechat wallet.


呼應燈森林——一筆 / Forest of Resonating Lamps - One Stroke

It's a room with many lamps hanging from the ceiling and the large mirrors on the walls create the illusion of depth, making it appear more spacious. And the color of lamps change from time to time.




And here's my favorite photo of this artwork taken by my friend although it's very bury lol

光球管弦樂團/Light Ball Orchestra

To interact with this artwork, you can hot or roll the balls to change their colors and sounds. When you touch one of them, the surrounding balls will be affected and change their colors as well.




天才跳房子/ Hopscotch for Geniuses

Hopping onto the same symbols on the water, different sounds will produced while the symbol sink. When hopping onto the same shapes and colors consecutively, special effect can be produced. This artwork made me think of the little game, Hopscotch I used to play when I were still young :P

踩上水面上虛擬的符號會有不同的聲音產生,同時符號會往下沉,連續踩踏一樣的符號會有特效產生,這個讓我想起小時候玩的跳飛機。 (1).gif

彩繪城鎮/ Sketch Town

With the ticket, you are allowed to choose one of the objects including cars, buildings, fire trucks UFOs etc for drawing. After scanning, the 2-D drawing enters the virtual 3-D town on the screen.By touching, you can alter the behavior of the objects on the screen.




花與人,不為所控卻能共生- 度時如年 /Flowers and People, Cannot be Controlled but Live Together – A Whole Year per Hour

This artwork is constantly changing, designed to reflect the flower changing over an year. The flowers bud, grow, and blossom and eventually wither and fade away. The cycle of growth and decays repeats itself in perpetuity.



<遠古神靈故事 / Story of the Time when Gods were Everywhere>

Different Hieroglyphic symbols are projected on the screen and they evolve into the images that they represent after touching. The story begins to emerge when more images are created by this tactile function.


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<水晶宇宙 / Crystal Universe>

It's very impressive walking into this three dimensional light space. The particles of light change based on the visitors' interactivity.



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展覽會場: 深圳歡樂海岸創展中心
展覽日期: 2017/7/8-11/30
時間: 10:00-22:00

!steemitworldmap 22.5258222 lat 113.9540922 long d3scr

Hope you enjoy reading this post.Have a great day!🌞

謝謝看到這𥚃的朋友 🌞 希望大家有美好的一天~

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