The Old Dog Discovers: In Marostica Real Men do Play Chess! So do Real Horses!

  At the end of December I finally visited the small town of Marostica, which is famous for its chess match which includes costumed men and even real horses!    

The live chess game. This picture is from all others by me.


Marostica is located in the Veneto region of Northern Italy in the province of Vicenza. It is as pretty as can be with the Veneto plain on one side and green hills to the north. The hill above the town is crowned with a castle that has defensive walls that descend to surround the town below in a protective embrace.  

  A Chess Match With Living Participants  

  On every even year Marostica holds a medieval costumed festival featuring a live chess game with human chess pieces and even real horses. The game takes place in the town square, Piazza del Castello where giant paving stones mark out the colossal chess board!  

  The Story Behind The Chess Game  

  The story, which is re-enacted during the chess game, is of a local ruler who has a gorgeous daughter with two suitors. Rather than have the two men fight a duel he has them play a chess match with the winner receiving the beautiful daughter in marriage. Finally the geeks have the upper hand!  

Here you see the permanent chessboard. Notice the wall going up the hill in the background.

This is the lower castle which is at the same level as the chessboard.

We hiked up the hill to the upper castle and then climbed to the top of the castle wall!

 The view from the upper castle wall was spectacular and we had a perfect day to take it in!


Looking back down the hill you can see the lower castle, the wall and the distant Veneto plain.

Quick Facts About Marostica  

  ° Marostica was a Venetian city until Venice joined Italy.  

  ° Veneto's capital city Venice is approximately 63 km or 39 mi away as the crow flies.    

  ° The wall surrounding the city dates back to 1372.    

  ° The wall is about 2 Km/1.24 miles long, and 8-12 mt/26-40 ft high, with 24 well preserved crenellated towers.  

  ° In Marostica there are 4 gates and in the middle ages they all had a drawbridge and a spotting tower.  

  ° The piazza is very easily recognizable for the huge white and pinkish chessboard which is paved with Asiago stone.  

  ° The hill on which the upper castle sits is filled with very old olive trees.  

I hope that you enjoyed this trip to Marostica.

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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