TRAVELLING with MUSIC. Is it possible? | My Personal Story

Hi Dear Steemit Community!

Today I'll make a post about this topic:


A lot of people that I meet always ask me how it is to live of off your music?
And I say : It's possible!

It's not always easy and wonderful but not so hard as it seems.

Maybe sometimes you will have to live simpely, without knowing where you'll sleep next month or if you'll have enought money to buy your bus ticket...

But the most amazing things always happen: even if you think that you are fucked in a desesparate situation, a solution will always appear to you.


Somewhone will come to you to give you an hand. Or something will happen to unlock the situation.

You just have to be patient and trust that things will improve. Because you deserve it.


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I have always sung, since I'm a child.
Since I'm a shy person, I was singing just for my friends and family...
But one day I started to think that it would be good to share my songs to the other...
And it's the thing that I prefer doing in life, so why doing something else?

At that time, I was in Bahia Brazil in 2012. I met Rhavi Lirio, musician and songwriter.

We bought some sound equipment and starded to play in bars and restaurants.


Rhavi had the project of making cover videos on Youtube.

I wasn't into this idea at first but today I'm loving it.

Here one of our first cover song, recorded in one of Bahia's most beautiful beaches (close to Salvador).

Both of us had some original songs and wanted to record it.
So we decided to make a demo in our room with the simple equipement we had: 2 microphones shure sm58, 1 Roland-R-26 and a macbook!

The result was not professional but I was so happy to fulfill this dream: make our own CD!

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This experience prove that it's possible. You don't need to be a good musician or a good singer to make it happening!

As you can see I'm not a Diva. It's just a question of motivation and dedication. If you do it with love, things will suceed!

So, don't be afraid of the future and don't givit up!
It can be your original songs or your covers but your music will always be listened by someone.

I will close this post with a recent cover video from our brazilian band @TRILUMIA.
"A Menina Dança" recorded in Luxembourg.

Hope you'll like it !

With Love

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