🇬🇧英國深度環島遊 # 5 主菜天空島 Round the Isle UK trip #5 The main course Isle of Skye 🇬🇧

If my Round the Isle road trip is a multi course delicious dinner, then the main course has to be Isle of Skye!
如果我的英倫環島遊是一頓有多道美味菜式的晚餐,那麼天空島Isle of Skye一定是主菜喔!



There are two ways to get onto the Isle of Skye. First is via ferry from Mallaig which takes about half an hour, and the other is via the Skye Bridge on the east side of the Skye, that would take about three hours drive from where we were. We decided to stay at a beautiful little village called Morar, near Mallaig the night before to take the ferry .

When we arrived at our B&B, the owner asked if we had booked the ferry for the next morning as there are only two ferries a day in the winter using a small vessel which carries around 20 vehicles. I'm glad she asked as we hadn't, and she kindly helped us to make the reservation otherwise we would have had an epic start to our Isle of Skye journey!



Fairy Pools sounded really magical and was my first port of call after arriving at Isle of Skye. I wasn't sure what to expect other than spectacular waterfalls so followed some other walkers towards the stunning Black Cullins. About an hour into the walk, and after I'd passed by some pretty pools and small waterfalls, I was still eagerly looking forward to THE Fairy Pool.
到天空島後我們馬上到仙子潭 Fairy Pools,聽說那裏有很多很美的瀑布。我們隨著其他行山人士走向Black Cullins 山脈,沿路上看見多個細小而又迷人的瀑布,不知聞名的仙子潭會是怎麼樣呢?

After an hour there were less and less people ahead of use so we decided to turn back. As we walked back I figured the pools we saw must have been THE Fairy Pools. The little waterfalls dropping into beautiful blue and green clear pools wasn't what I had expected, yet it was nonetheless very enchanting, as if a little fairy would suddenly appear from the pools.


The other two famous landmarks on the Isle of Skye are the Old Man of Storr and The Quiraing. The Old Man is a pinnacle of rock around 50 meters tall created by ancient geological movement, and its base is around 719 meters above sea level giving you plenty of exercise to get there. To give you an idea of tall the Old Man is, here's a photo I took before I went up and another one of me standing in the same spot as the person in the first photo.
天空島另外兩個著名景點就是老人石The Old Man Storr及 Quairaing。老人石是經過遠古時代地質移動而形成的一座50米高大石頭。它有海拔719米高,爬上去也需花一點氣力,真可算是一項身心健康的活動。我未爬上去之前在山腳下拍了一張照片,裏面那一小點站著一位人士,就是我在第二張照片裏爬上去之後站在同一位置。


The climb to the Old Man involved a bit of scrambling but once we got up there, the spectacular view with the clouds floating around was worth every bit of effort. It also shows how small mankind is compared to the force of nature.




After a full days excercise, we headed back to our cottage for the next few days on the Isle of Skye. Here it is, small and quaint with a nice touch of Scottishness.
辛苦了一整天,我們回到這幾天在天空島上住的民宿。 麻雀雖小五臟俱全,還有帶有一點點蘇格蘭的特色,非常別緻。



Next time I'm going to take you to The Quiraing, show you how I shucked live scallops, and where I had a wonderful lunch at one of the one star Michelin restaurant on Isle of Skye.
下次我將會帶大家到The Quiraing,及向你展示我買的新鮮連殼帶子自己清理及煮,還有在天空島三家米芝蓮一星餐廳其中一間去吃午餐。

If you've missed the previous posts for my Round the Isle UK trip, you can read them here
英國深度環島遊菜單 ~~ An overview of my Round the Isle UK trip

英國深度環島遊 # 1 博學多才的Lichfield 和曼城街頭的香港漫畫人物 ~~ Part 1 Lichfield and Manchester

英國深度環島遊 # 2 沒有網絡的日子 Round the Isle UK trip #2 Living off the grid in Yorkshire Dales

英國深度環島遊 # 3 蘇格蘭的世外桃源 Round the Isle UK trip #3 The surreal Scottish Lochs

英國深度環島遊 # 4 哈利波特迷要看及蘇格蘭點滴 Round the Isle UK trip #4 Calling Harry Potter fans and showcasing Scottish snippets

And you can read all my other travel posts here on Steemit Worldmap

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