National Taichung Theatre Tutu Gallery 台中國家歌劇院之凸凸廳

Last time I introduced you to the National Taichung Theatre (NTT) and its magnificent architecture. This time we're going to explore the inside a little bit more.



When I went to the NTT, the Tutu Gallery on the 5th floor had an Architecture Exhibition, curated by Toyo Ito himself along with a local digital arts team.


It is a 360 degree panoramic exhibition of sound and images projected around the curve walls inside the gallery. There are 30 massive white pebbles (bean cushions) for visitors to sit or even lie on comfortably and submerge themselves in the experience. Each session last 15 minutes, and I have to say it was an extremely mesmerizing and soothing experience for my afternoon visit.

它結合聲浪及圖線,投射在展覽廳的曲線牆壁上,是一個 360度方位視聽展。廳內有30個巨大白色鵝卵石型的坐墊,供遊客舒適地坐著甚至躺著,好讓大家能夠完全投入這經驗。我是下午到訪,在十五分鐘的展視之後都感到很舒緩和輕鬆,是忙裡偷閒的好去處。


The sound cave concept can be seen throughout the building including the foyer outside the Grand Theatre. There is hardly a main vertical wall in sight, as they have all been replaced with dynamic curve walls, like somebody has blown hard into the building creating a tunnel of caves. It's quite weird to walk around a massive cave knowing that you're actually in a modern day building.

在整個歌劇院也能見到洞穴空間的設計。二樓大劇院外高大的牆壁並不是筆直的,而是彎曲的洞穴牆壁,像有人要用力地把一口氣吹進歌劇院內,製造很多巨大管道。 在裡面感覺很特別,明明身在一棟現代建築物裡,但眼前看見的卻像原始的洞穴。


During my visits to the NTT, I noticed there were a lot of visitors like myself, obviously it's already gaining a bit of reputation as a popular sight seeing location in Taichung. I don't know how popular the performances are as I noticed some of the performance prices are quite steep by local standards, particularly in comparison to the free and often quite good quality events provided by the local government. I just hope that NTT serves it original mission to promote performing arts and reinvigorate central Taiwan, and doesn't end up as a white elephant.

我發覺很多人也像我一樣到歌劇院參觀,很明顯它已成為台中一個新的旅遊景點。但同時我也留意到各種表演門票價格其實也不便宜。尤其相比台中政府常常舉辦多項質素不錯而又免費的演出,它應該算是頗昂貴。希望歌劇院真的能”改變一座城市,翻新中臺” ,而不會成為一座"白色大象"。


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