Guatemala Part 4: Paragliding at Lake Atitlán (Photos + Videos)


Oh yes I did it again!!! I was flying again up there in the air, crossing clouds and enjoying a beautiful view haha. But step by step.

The next morning in Santa Cruz, we woke up with a beautiful sunrise, that we could see already from our tent! - So great.




After watching that, we decided to wake up early, take a breakfast and enjoy the morning before we would go back to Antigua in the afternoon.

While eating breakfast we saw THIS, and took instantly the chance to book one round, just before our Shuttle transfer ;)


So we enjoyed the morning getting some tan, while floating on a big "Pizza piece" hahaha.


Around 11 o'clock we took the boat towards Panajachel to search the agency and get the chance to jump in time.

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And we got lucky!!! At 12:30 hrs we already sitting in the van to get up the hill from where we would jump. For Cécile it was the first time doing Paragliding and she is afraid of hights!!! - So she has my full respect for doing that ;)

At the hill the instructors chose, who they would jump with. Then they explained us what to do and gave us the equipment.


It is pretty "easy". You just have to wait until the wind is good, so the paraglider goes up and then you start to run and jump. - If you do everything right you fly, If not you fall :D

Here at Céciles Video you can see perfectly how that goes (the yellow paraglider in the back is mine) =)

Once you are in the air, it is pretty chilly. You just lie back and enjoy the view, while the instructor maneuvers through the air.

At first we flew along the mountains, then towards the lake and slowly up towards the sky.





From there our instructors tried to use the wind to get higher and higher. The goal was entering the cloud and cross it to have a beautiful view of the lake on the other side.




Cécile went way higher then us, on my picture she is with the blue paraglider in the back. We waved and said high and then went to the other side of the mountain to get over the lake.


Her view was awesome, look how she enters the cloud:


After that we had to hurry a bit, because we had to get our Shuttle to Antigua in time, so our instructors did a few maneuver. This one is called the helicopter, because you turn a lot haha.

It was so much fun!!! I love stuff like that, and I was really not afraid. Guess it helped to have the lake below us instead of the mountain, even though in a real fall it isn't a big difference haha.


So from there on we started the landing, saying goodbye to the beautiful Atitlán lake.


I landed first, which is while I got Céciles arrival on camera:

From there we hurried to take a TukTuk to the Port, from where we entered our Shuttle to go back to Antigua. The next adventure would be climbing a volcano!!! So stay tuned to see that in my next post ;)


We had so much fun that day and it was the perfect goodbye to this wonderful place!


As always I hope you enjoyed reading my post and I am grateful for every Upvote, Resteem and Comment, as you are supporting my travels with it!!


If you would like to see more about Cécile Morgado Photography, find her at her instagram page or at her facebook page

Here you can check out my previous posts about Guatemala:
Exploring the most visited place in Guatemala - The best of Antigua (Fotos + Videos)
Guatemala Part 2 - Mayan culture at the colorful market in Chichicastenango (Fotos + Videos)
Guatemala Part 3 - The beautiful lake Atitlán and surroundings (Fotos + Videos)

PS:Who ever knows where my first time paragliding was, will get 1 SBD price from me!! Comment your guesses.

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