The Predjama Castle | The castle built into the rock 🏰

This is quick post to show you guys how amazing the Predjama castle is, his beauty and history amazed me. My father and I went to this castle by bike, it was really difficult because it was 9 km up and down. We almost give up and returned to our hostel, but all was worth it when we saw this:

The Predjama Castle | The castle built into the rock 🏰


It's beautiful no? It's one of a kind, this castle was built in a cave that is in a cliff. It means that is an almost impenetrable castle that have many secrets and capabilities. First of all let me show you how the castle and the rock make one.




This is the cave inside the castle, it leads to a secret passage that feed the it's owners with all kinds of supplies.

This of course is only for security reasons, why have a castle in a rock to just chill out, this castle was very useful in times of war because it provides an enormous security. The castle was always very cold and humid because of the rock, not so comfortable, but this adds a strong capability to the castle that is to provide every time of the year clean water to its owners.

Now you are asking yourself: how can a castle provides clean water by itself?

With this ingenious idea:


I will explain. The humidity that comes out of the rock of the castle its abundant. So what do they do? They crave the rock to canalize the water that was coming down the wall, and by doing that they had water all the time.


Now let me tell you the history of Erazem of Predjama.

This man was the owner of the castle in the 15th century, he was the Slovenian Robin Hood. He was known to steal the money of the rich and giving it to the poor. He had a good life of a baron, the people liked him, but things started to turn when he killed a commander of the house of Habsbur (Austria).


The powerful people who Erazem attacked force him to flee, so he went back to his castle looking for protection. Some time later the castle was siege by the people that he had attacked. Is said that the castle hold up the attack one year and one day, this is because like I said, the castle was impenetrable and the only way of conquering it was to starve out the soldiers. But the attacker didn't know that a secret passage provided the castle with abundant food and supplies.

A tactic that Erazem used to demoralize the enemy army was to trow food down the wall, and when the hungry soldiers eat the food, they were attacked by Erazem's men.

The death of a hero

He held up pretty good against the invaders for one year, but he was betrayed by one of his men. The enemy discovered that there was a weak spot in the castle - the toilet. So when we was in the toilet one of his men signaled the enemy army, he died by a canon while taking a shit. Pretty honorable death don't you think?

With the visit to the castle I had the opportunity to visit many rooms one was this exposition of weapons and amours of the time.



This is the tower that protect the drawbridge, they trow in the invaders arrows, stones and hot paraffin.


The kitchen, that provide a warmer environment and of course food.


This is the throne room, one of the most conformable and warmer. Here is where the nobles eat and have meetings. The curtains served to keep the heat inside and it is also hiding a secret passage.


So, that's it for today. Here are soma last photos of the castle.




Where was it?
!steemitworldmap 45.815847 lat 14.126715 long description d3scr

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