3 ways to make LONG AIRPLANE TRIPS more enjoyable [Travel Hack]

aaah, the sweet smell of the clouds (image source: Pixabay)

Travelling is amazing and can totally change our point of view on the world.
but if there's one thing that's hard it's bearing a long trip inside an airplane
Air conditioning, not a lot of space for your legs and turbine noise can drive all of us crazy

Today I'm gonna share with you 3 ways to make LONG AIRPLANE TRIPS more enjoyable , so you can survive and have vacation like a boss!

so here we go:

#1 Trust the tea! (and eat less)

Image source: wikipedia

Airplane food is usually really bad. even worst than fast food
whenever I fly long distances I try not to eat inside the airplane
(fasting can be really good to you)

On the other hand, when you fly it's good to stay hydrated, choose some non-caffeinated tea.
Every airplane has as much hot water you want
take your bottle and make some Tea.
I like Ginger.

What about you? What is your favorite one?

#2 Pick up your headphones

Image source: Pixabay

The turbines can be really disturbing for your ears if you're staying so many hours on air.
try to get some noise-cancelling phones and enjoy good music on the trip.

I usually listen to classical, some chill out electronic or brazilian music when flying overseas
Do you have any favorite style?

#3 Beat the Jet Lag. Get some melatonin

you don't want to be tired after arrival (Image source: flickr)

Our bodies are not made to be crossing time-zones so fast.

To adjust with the Jet Lag I choose some good quality melatonin. A hormone that is proved to help on adjusting your circadian rythm after crossing timezones.

Just make sure you don't use them during the flight.
I take it at sleeping time on my destination for about 3-5 nights.
I also take only half a dose (the effective dose is way smaller than what they sell) and make it smaller and smaller doses overtime.

A plus of melatonin is that it can give you amazing lucid dreams
I buy mine at iHerb

Have you tried it? was it helpfull?

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Talk to you soon!

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