Traveling with 3 Small Kids and Enjoying It

We just recently decided to head to New York for my cousin's wedding because @corinnestokes was asked to be the photographer. There isn't a budget for the shoot, but my aunt did plan to fly her out there. We figured, why don't we all go? We were already planning on driving to RESTfest, so now we'll just hang out in New York for a bit longer and then head down to South Carolina.

Working for myself allows me to work from anywhere, even a car traveling at 70 mph.

Here's a short video of our travel day today (Wednesday, September 7th) along with a really sweet hotel Corinne found with an indoor water park. Thankfully, my back is feeling much better and was pretty good during the drive. We usually try to do short drives (4 to 5 hours), but today's was 7 so we had to include an ice cream stop along the way.

(I'm also having fun learning iMovie)

I wanted to share this here because I've been thinking more about what Steemit is to me. It's not just a place to publish essays and be rewarded financially. It's not a place to be one-sided and share just what "my audience" wants to hear from me (whatever that might be).

For me, Steemit is becoming my digital home. It's my hangout spot and a place to store my memories on the blockchain. Not everything done here will be for my followers or for upvotes. Some of it will just be for me, and I think that's okay.

Every post doesn't have to be perfect. I'm not always going to be talking about stats or programming or entrepreneurship or morality. Sometimes I may just be sharing memories or random ideas. I want Steemit to be my Twitter, Facebook, and Medium. Maybe I'm asking too much, but occasionally I might even share a selfie or a picture of my meal. Once my friends and family show up, that's what they'll want to see once in a while. Those silly moments keep us connected in the "every day" part of our lives.

Steemit will be what we decide to make it. Not all of our posts will be liked by others. Not all of our posts will be meant for others. Sharing life moments together is fun too.

Steem On Luke
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