Another Day In Paradise - Swimming In A Cenote In The Riviera Maya

The Yucatan peninsula along the Riviera Maya in Mexico has the largest network of underground rivers in the world stretching some 95 miles through the jungle.

In some places the water surfaces in sinkholes known as cenotes (say-no-tays) revealing crystal clear swimming holes of fresh water. One could visit a new one every day for a year and still not discover them all.

We visited one this week called Azul (Blue) and after a short trek through the thick, humid, summer heat of the jungle, we jumped into the cool, refreshing waters of this tropical oasis.

The water is so clear after filtering through miles of limestone that it deceives your eyes into thinking it is shallower than it really is.

The alkalinity of the water soothes your skin and its cool temperature is a welcome contrast to the burn of the tropical sun.


After jumping off the cliff and splashing into the water a few times I sat very still on a lava rock and let the tiny fishes nibble on my toes, feet and legs. As they fed on my skin I enjoyed the free massage and listened to the sounds of the musical birds playing in harmony with each other.


Many creatures live in the jungle and one of my favorites is the tejon (tay-hone), a type of friendly badger looking creature with a long monkey tail and anteater snout.


Another very common reptile found around here are iguanas, a fascinating creature that always makes me think of Carlos Casteneda's book, The Teaching's Of Don Juan, where he communes with iguanas in the desert during a peyote trip.

If you still yourself and look them in the eye they seem to be trying to convey a message to you so I always stop when I see one and listen for clues of what the universe is telling me at that moment.


Walking on the trail on the way back I spotted a blue crab who quickly wedged himself into a crevice to make himself invisible.


Spending a day in such peaceful surroundings one sheds all stress and soaks in the joy of being in the moment. As if to acknowledge this crystal clear moment of happiness, a tree smiled back at me completing the perfect day.


Hope you enjoyed my post and pictures and if you're ever in the area look me up and I'll take you there.

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