Pre-Travel Anxiety | My little tips dealing with anxiety monster.

Despite I've been on the road often, sometimes I am still too worried about my trip. I do travel alone. Though, Yes, I do get companion when I am on my destination but going from my place to my destination; it's me, myself and I.

I have a very tight budget and frugal lifestyle that made my trip looks uncomfortable for average traveler. Even, I don't actually have to worry, as long as I have my laptop . Thanks to cryptocurrency, I guess. Transactions have becoming faster and boundless. Despite all of this, I am still worried. I just can't find something that made me feel this way, It just happen.

I don't have solid ways to be dealing with travel anxiety but here are things I do when I get butterflies in my stomach.

I talk about my worries to everyone I know

I think sharing my fears helped me relief my anxiety. I do have fears. Though, when I am on the road, I envision myself going into hunger game,testing my life surviving skills. If you want to survive, know how to mingle.

When I start doubting...

I do this a lot, I often doubt whether to go or not. Just because one tiny thing as simple as having no place to sleep, often made me think twice before going. But I mean, I've been sleeping in front of stores, internet cafes well there's always a place to sleep. I keep telling myself everything is going to be just fine.

No coffee

I can't stand the jittery. I hardly focus by default and coffee will only worsen the situation. I normally take my multivitamin which helped me focus and I am good to go. Coffee is a really bad idea when you have pre-travel anxiety.

Going out with friend but...

I think going out with friends help but don't overdo it. I am the kind of person who has to save up my energy before I can interact with others. I think going out with friends helped relief the anxiety in a way. Make sure to come back couple of hours before you are going.

So behind those fun instagram pictures, behind those breath taking landscapes, and thrilling adventures, there is anxiety monster trying to haunt every traveler.

Do you suffer from Pre-travel Anxiety? Feel free to tell me your experiences.

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