Traveling: "Capilla del divino niño" - Pacho - Colombia

Last weekend, one of my cousins was baptismed, and this ceremony was celebrated in "Capilla del divino niño", chapel of Pacho in the beautifull country of Colombia.

This chapel was built in homage to the Divine Child, for the peace reached in the Region of Rio Negro and the West of Boyacá. Its architectural construction resembles the figure of a dove starting flight to the sky.


I was very surprised in all ceremony with this construction, because I have seen many church constructions, but that was the first time I seen a construction like that. Internally is similar to another church, with his normal Stained glass, Crosses and Religious figures, but with a triangular form and externally is very colorful, If you don't like normal churchs construction, you are going to be tempted to enter and see XD

Another thing that called my attention was that this church is positioned in open field, near to some mountains but with a cement road to te town.


Finally i went to the ceremony of my cousin, and was a beautiful oration, reverend
said great recommendation to responsibilities of the child and his fathers. Later we went to have lunch and pass a big weekend. But no matter what happen on these days I continue admiring this construction.

Thanks for read, have a nice day and follow me to see more things that I make in my free time XD





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