Hiking in Tirol (Austria), farm animal pictures + some (over)thinking about goals vs. relaxing

Despite I'm not really a hiking enthusiast, I've decided to join my Spanish flatmate today to explore the tirolean countryside a little bit. The sentence which really got me to join him was:

If you want to understand the country during traveling, you should see how real people live and not go to these fancy touristic places like mountain summits with awesome viees or ski resorts!" 
I could't say anything against that so I just put my shoes on and we went out.

We've been wandering in the surroundings of Innsbruck for good 5 hours without any particular goal to reach.  It was little weird in the beggining since I always have some goal in mind, something I'm after or want to achieve. At first I really just wanted to go back, hit a good workout and then have a full-blast programming session caffeinated to the gills :D...But after some time, I've found a piece in just walking around, breathing that fresh alpine air and just enjoying being out for longer period of time than just 20 minutes riding my bike to work/uni. 

It might sound pretty stupid, but I really learned something from today. I guess sometimes I (we) should stop thinking about those goals I'm chasing and really just switch off and let go. It really felt different that any other type of relax. I mean - going to cinema to see some movie has also kind of layed our plan - we meet at X at around half past Y. We're gonna see the movie Z and then we might get some beers in pub W. Today, we really just left our flat without any plan at all...was weird and interesting at the same time... Now back to chasing them goals :D 

Here are some pictures from the day:

Late winter landscape of Tyrol

Getting in some caffeine...not saying I'm not a coffee addict, but there are also some alternatives worth trying :) Also, when u drink a Mate imported from South America in the middle of Austria with a Spanish friend who bought it in Turkish shop and you're from Slovakia, you realize world isn't really that big :D

"Dude, did you put some shit to that mate we just drank or what's wrong with me? Do you see that too?"

Thanks for reading!

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