Austria - Hiking in the Alps for Beginners

Thanks for joining me in my adventures. This blog is dedicated to travels off the beaten path. You won't find my review of Disney World here, but you might just discover a new way to explore your world. If you're a fan of the road less traveled, I think you'll like what we have in store today.


Radstadt, Austria

One of the best things about traveling is finding places you never even knew existed. That's exactly what happened to me when I booked at week in Radstadt, Austria. I had never heard of it and only knew that it was not near any of the major cities in Austria.


It turns out that this magical, wild mountain range is only about an hour away from Salzburg, Austria (home of Mozart if you didn't know) and boasts wonderful hiking trails, shops, and scenery. We started our exploration in the backyard where a steep mountain trail invited us to visit.


Fortunately, the trails are all very tourist friendly. Signs like the one above are at most intersections, and while it's tough to say exactly where the trails are leading, it's easy to know how long it will take to get there. I recommend deciding how long you'd like to hike for and then just following a sign until you're there.


The mountainside was sprinkled with flowers like the one above and the one below. I had to stop frequently to smell the flowers (not to take a break as some might say).




Here you can see Matthew almost getting gobbled up by a wild cow! Just kidding, but there were lots of cows in the countryside. They all wore bells around their necks and it created a pleasant music in the hills. The cows didn't seem to mind that we were hiking through either. They mostly just looked at us as we passed.


These cows reminded me of the Wild Things. They didn't come over to gobble us up though, so that was good. :-)


The View from the Top

Finally, we made it to the tip top. No photograph will ever be able to capture the awesomeness of actually standing there. The wind whips around, the air is 20 degrees cooler, and you are pleasantly exhausted from all the climbing. Congratulations on a good hike!

Thanks for coming with me on this one. For info on how to get started on your own hiking adventure, find me at

Happy Travels!



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