Brasov - A beautiful (and a bit overestimated) tourist destination in the heart of Transylvania, Romania

A new Future

So, a bit after New Year's, we left Bacau -his hometown- with @creutzy and his parents for a few days, to go visit a spectacular, amazing city, the most beautiful city in Romania -as advertised-, Brașov.

@creutzy wanted us to eventually move permanently there some day, and -as funny as it sounds- that's still a possibility, even though I wasn't thrilled by what I saw.

Then again, maybe I did like but just for vacation - who knows. It's different when you visit a place as a tourist and different as a future resident - I think that's what blocked me out from liking the city. The mandatory aspect of that 2 day city break.

About the City

It's not as beautiful as it seems in the pictures -Just like Budapest and other Eastern European cities I've visited, Brașov is -unfortunately- victim of total decay. In some areas it seems like the buildings are abandoned, even though they are perfectly functional with people living in them. It is not visible in the pictures but more buildings are ready to fall apart, and that is because the country probably cannot afford renovating them.

Of course it's still beautiful and you know how much I like abandoned buildings, but is a place like this a place to live?

It is supposed to be a touristy place has nothing but an empty former protestant church as a monument and two small museums. True story. I guess the mountains around it are considered a tourist attraction, but sorry, for me, a forever traveler who has been in many countries that is not nearly enough.

Then again, it's just a town, so I guess for its size those are already plenty (?)

Mountains -yes. Which means no beach around. Which is very needed during the hot summers... Seriously, no water whatsoever - so sad :(

VERY SMALL - Ok, technically it is supposed to have around 300.000 population (less) but the very city center is very small, meaning that even on a Friday night you don't really see people around after midnight or something. Living in Athens, Paris, Rome and now Copenhagen, I think that would be a terrible transition for me... I don't know - maybe not comparing Copenhagen.

Copenhagen is pretty tiny too.

The weather. So, as if it's not enough that there's no sea to go during the super hot summers in the middle of nowhere, of course winters are usually super cold and snowy, talking about up to something like minus 20... -not my thing really, Copenhagen is already too much for me...

Personal View of Things

You all know by now that I LOVE Romania. And not just because of @creutzy. It's a love that started when I was still in high school - still trying to figure out the reason actually. Language, and all. So I wouldn't be against living in Romania [even though much lower living/financial level than Scandinavia or even Greece, my home country].

Brașov is a very particular and interesting place. But there are also personal reasons, besides the 'objective' ones that it would be hard for me to live there:

The last reference to Greeks in Brașov -even though it was a huge community in the old days- is the 2012's count which goes up to a merely 80 people living there. Seriously, I can't move to a place with less than some thousands Greeks, at least. Also -clear that- there is no Greek church, even though they built one back in the old days, which now belongs to the Romanian Orthodox Church instead.

As mentioned before, being a Capital girl my whole life, I don't know how I would react in a town.

Then again, when I moved to Copenhagen I thought it's super small and loved it more than any so who knows? Maybe I have a villager's soul in the end - romantic, simple and all ;)

Moving to a new country is one thing. Moving to your partner's country as a sacrifice is another. And no, love is not nearly enough for a sacrifice like that, I think. I would never expect for my other half to move with me back to Athens - my country, my home, my family and friends, my language, my rules. I just don't find it fair. Because that is my case if I moved there -being all alone. A big price to pay for love.

So in this case the question is, 'what makes you happy?' - and how far would you go? What's more important in life in the end?

I am not a fan of snow. and I don't really like mountains. I mean I do, as view, but since I'm not into winter sports or anything and I love the sea, I don't know I would be able to live somewhere without a bit of water, at least a lake or a proper river...Copenhagen is very fulfilling at this part, especially considering the fact that I have sea view from my new apartment.

Would you commit to something -that big- out of love? Do you think love is enough judge for life decisions? I can't wait to hear your views. Until then, don't forget to smile!

All previous pictures taken with my iPhone SE. The ones below, taken with my D90 instead. Notice @creutzy's subtle happy look, just by being there... ;) Subtle because he was insanely cold, trying to look fancy :P Yeah, the weather was kinda foggy/gray the first day, but the second it was sunny wih blue sky!




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