Get to know Merida Venezuela Part 1, The Andean Paramo

Hello dear friends Steemians

I greet you from my little corner of Steemit, where I have the opportunity to connect with you, as a big family, it is a pleasure to show you a little of my life through some trips through my beautiful Venezuela, I start today with a series of trips in the city of Mérida, English version.


My annual vacation was approaching and I decided to make a family trip, let's go to Merida.... My nephews jumped for joy and began the preparations: we took a plane, for the speed and comfort, although I must confess that the road trip is picturesque, he said they will enjoy some beautiful scenery and much more if you travel from Barinas.


We arrived in Mérida and began to enjoy a rich cold climate (typical of the area), which together with the tiredness of the trip only led us to rest, this region is characterized by being populated by friendly people, delicious cuisine, unforgettable landscapes, historic sites and traditions that have been maintained for generations, the offer of hotels, inns, recreational and theme parks, restaurants, museums, craft shops, towns, national parks, flora and fauna make Merida a great option and potential tourist attraction of the country.... the next morning we woke up very early with the surprise of seeing the Peaksfull of snow..... Let's go to the Paramo to see the snow without hesitation we enlisted and in a short time we were on the road.....

What is the moor, my nephew asked?

Let's go to our friend google to learn a little bit of history:

The Andes is a mountainous system formed by the states of Mérida, Táchira, Trujillo and the foothills of Lara State. These mountains are divided into two eco-regions: the Andean Cloud Forest and the Páramos, which includes an area of perpetual snow. The moors of the Andes are mountain ecosystems that belong to the Amazon domain. They are located discontinuously in the Neotropics, from altitudes of approximately 3,000 meters above sea level to the perpetual snow line, approximately 4,300 meters above sea level, mainly from Venezuela to the north of Peru, passing through Colombia.


In general, the flora and fauna of the moors have adapted to the daily seasonality, the cold, the low atmospheric pressure and the scarce availability of water. Although in many of the moors there is abundant water, it is not always in conditions that can be used by living beings due to its very low temperature (it has been said that the moor is a "physiological desert").


This tour gathers the tourist experience offered by the ecoregion of the Páramos located in the heart of the Andes Mountain Range, between the National Parks of La Culata and Sierra Nevada, which allows the enjoyment and direct contact with nature. Due to its mountainous nature, its cultural heritage, the type of climate and its great biodiversity, the paramera ecoregion is particularly suitable for adventure tourism, agrotourism and active tourism.


It is ideal for the enjoyment of family and friends, either in their own vehicles, rented and even with organized groups that prepare excursions, we went along the road behind the Andes, opened by Juan Vicente Gomez in 1925, which goes up the mountain range to a maximum height of 4,118 m.s.n.m., which culminates in the Collado del Nido del Cóndor, better known as Pico El Águila, however, we have three access routes, interconnected by the trans-Andean road, a first access is that of the road that comes from the town of Timotes that joins the state of Merida with the state of Trujillo. The second access is through the town of Santo Domingo at 2.178 m.a.s.l., obligatory access for those traveling from the state of Barinas, we also have an airport, although it is a little remote and has all the necessary services for tourist activities.


El Águila Peak is the highest point of the trans-Andean highway and the highest paved site in all of South America. During the winter season, during the months of August and September there are snowfalls that cover these mountains in white, and this is one of the main attractions.


Thefrailejones abound, at this altitude, they begin to predominate in this Andean landscape, these plants of smooth leaves and yellow flowers constitute the vegetation that most identifies this ecosystem.


Once at the top you are surrounded by people, warm and hospitable, who live mainly from the cultivation of vegetables and legumes, as well as from handicrafts and small restaurants where they offer typical Andean gastronomy such as Andean fish, wheat arepas, sausages, ripe cheeses, pastries, trout and typical sweets as the "allies " also the "calentaitos ", an alcoholic drink.


In the crossing we enjoyed beautiful landscapes and we had the wonderful opportunity to get to know the snow, although it was not a great snowfall, it served us to have fun and spend a day that we will never forget, the snow was the main protagonist, it was the first time we enjoyed it and we tried to do everything with it. It was great.


I hope you liked this little tour, the pictures were taken from my Iphone 4S cell phone.

My English is not very good, so for the translation, helps me.

This publication is the first of a series of adventures in Merida, Venezuela, if you want to know more about it, come back to my next publication.

Thanks for the visit, see you soon

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