Memories from abroad -Shirakawa

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The mountains in Japan get really cold over winter...really, really cold....with lots of snow.

Which is awesome if you love secluded places with lots of snow. And since I love adventuring to places like that...Shirakawa was definitely near the top of my list. So one crazy winter vacation whilst I was living in Japan I decided to head north and check out this winter wonderland I'd only ever seen on posters at the local travel agent.

It's in the middle of nowhere, hours from anywhere by car, bus or train. You really need to want to go here to get here, especially in winter. Hidden in the far north reaches of Gifu prefecture this little town owes a lot of it's economic well-being to the throngs of tourists who come to see the unique architecture. Well, not really unique, more like classic. Thatched roofs, wooden beams, water wheels, everything is old-school.

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I searched for reasons why they haven't modernized

But really couldn't find any. Most likely economic. Either not enough money to start with, or once the tourists caught wind of this winter wonderland, no reason to change. Or maybe they just like it...should've asked while I was there.

Noted as one of the snowiest places in Japan, I can attest personally that fact. In the day or so I was there I think we got at least 6-8 inches. Which made life interesting as I was camping and my tent only claimed to be 3 season.

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My stay was pretty short, just a single night.

There's not much to do here. Just the usually touristy Japanese stuff. Walk around, take pictures of old things, grab lunch at a recommended diner, buy some official souvenirs from the shops that were everywhere.

I think I really began to like this place after it started to get dark. When all the tourists had left and the only people around were either the locals or those staying at an inn just outside of town. Like a deep breath that had been held for a long time, let out.

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It was, how do I put this, quiet. Like, you think you know winter quiet until you find yourself in the middle of the mountains where the loudest sound is your breath and the snowflakes flying around you. I'm sure some of you have been in places like that. Peaceful, right? Even the inn was super quiet. Maybe the fact that it had a hot spring and most people just chilled after hours of soaking kept it that way.

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I was up and about early the next day.

The snow had stopped and I hadn't been buried alive next to the woodpile. Sun was creeping through the clouds bringing a warm glow to this bitter cold place.

I chilled (literally) for a couple more hours, just savoring. Imagining myself a hundred years ago trying to be a part of this community. Having to deal with the rigors of not only a country life, but in the harsh conditions of living deep in the mountains.

Then, I was off again. Heading to the next village and the next adventure.

I hope you enjoyed this quick trip to Shirakawa, Japan with me. Have you ever been there? I'd love to hear about it :)

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