First stop, Tsavo East!
After a 4 hours long drive, excited like a little boy, we finally arrived.
In my mind I was watching ''the lion king'', before reality caught up with me.
This untouched nature freeze my feelings everytime I think about it. Even now it is hard to find describing words for it.
Erster Stop, Tsavo East!
Nach ca. 4 Stunden Fahrt, aufgeregt wie ein kleiner Junge, waren wir da.
In Gedanken spielte sich ''König der Löwen'' im Schnelldurchlauf ab, bevor mich die Realität einholte.
Diese unberührte Natur ließ erstarren, ein Gefühl, welches mir jetzt noch schwer fällt in Worte zu fassen.
Time flies by. After 30min I saw the first animal in the wildlife nature. An ostrich. The ostrich doesn't seem to mind us, this was, because our safari guide respected the animals and nature, through that he drove concerned and slowly. Niclas our safari guide told me about the Big5. Earlier the big game hunters used this term to name the 5 most dangerous animals.
The BigFive:
- elephants
- buffalo
- rhino
- lion
- leopard
I want to catch them all! With my camera!
Die BigFive :
- Elefant
- Büffel
- Nashorn
- Löwe
- Leopard
Ich wollte Sie alle jagen! Mit meiner Kamera!
The further you drive into the national park , even more animals you will spot. When I was there we had 35 degrees, so even the animals looked for a shady place.
Whether the elephants, zebras, antelope or lions.
Tiere sind die besseren Menschen
Tiere haben einen großen Vorteil gegenüber dem Menschen, sie sind nicht gierig.
Zwar hat der Löwe irgendwann mal hunger, jedoch frisst er nur soviel wie er braucht.
So kann es auch mal passieren, dass ein Löwe seelenruhig an einem Zebra vorbeiläuft.
Die Tiere respektieren sich und leben gemeinsam auf ihrem kostbaren Planeten.
The climate in Tsavo East is really hot and dry, thereby the animals are exposed a constantly strain.
It is presumed, that's way the lions have no mane. Furthermore they are more aggressive as their
Animals are the better humans
Animals have a big advantage compared to humans, they are not greedy.
Sometimes the lion gets hungry, however he only eats up as much as he needs.
So it is possible, that a lion and a zebra cross their ways calmly.
The animals respect each other and live together on their precious planet
The few waterholes are visited from the animals at certain times, so they don't get in each others way.
Zebras know how to pose, so I could snatch some wonderful pictures.
I would assert, zebras are the Victoria secret models in the savanna
A wonderful experience
I can recommend to anyone to do a safari, if they have the possibility
If somebody asks me, which were my most enjoyable experiences, I definitely would say Africa.Two of the Big Five already seen!
Last but not least...
I have taken the pictures.
Eine wunderbare Erfahrung!
Ich kann bloß jedem empfehlen eine Safari zu machen, falls er die Möglichkeit dazu hat.
Wenn mich jemand fragt, welches meine schönsten Erfahrungen gewesen sind, Afrika ist eine davon. Zwei der Big Five sind im Kasten!
Zu guter letzt ...
Ich hab die Bilder gemacht.
Stay tuned!
Bleibt dran!