[Blog #44] We Made it to Poland | SteemFest 3 | Kraków

Heeeyho Readers! We made it to Poland! I'm still tired but here is the journey summarized.

When I thought about coming to Poland, in my mind it was so simple. Come on, only 11.000 km, I have done that hitchhiking, easy peasy - Noup. But it wasn't difficult as well, just way too tiring.

To be honest, my mind is still in adjustment phase switching languages, weather and time completely. As I write this small report I'm brainstorming one hundred ideas of content to bring, and one of the ideas is a video showing how long it took me to get here. Wait and see because it's going to be funny!


Leaving São Paulo

Bus, plane, car and the bicycle is ready! The journey started in southern Brazil and ended up in Kraków. Many hours sitting, waiting and not eating - at least my good friend @riverflows is not sending me food pictures on Whatsapp Haha.


As if I wasn't worried enough with immigration, I got to Porto Alegre and bang. Ticket counter agent looks at my flight, scratches head, looks at the computer, thinks, look at the ticket and finally decides to call the manager. Problem, I knew it. Will I be able to board I thought... I shouldn't have bought a cheap ticket.

Luckly there was a change in flight... for better... how miraculous? Am I really lucky? Maybe...

Now I was going directly to the international airport in São Paulo, sparing me a connection, and it would fly 2 hours before the original flight, yes!

The first leg went smooth as butter, arrival in São Paulo was weird as hell. Where's the Mate? - I thought. People going to a machine, pressing a button ice falls, press another button coke falls. Can't they invent one for Mate? Press yerba falls, press hot water falls. But no... they drink that strange cold Mate, yuuuuc.


After a couple hours sitting in São Paulo, and many more hours sitting in a small tube made of aluminium with two giant ass engines to power it, I finally made it to Frankfurt.

Now it was time, now it was immigration madness! Not going to lie, I was worried. And I had a one way ticket to Europe and a cheap ticket to Ireland as proof of onward travel. Even though I had all the documents to support my long stay in Europe, I was still nervous. What if...?

The immigration office stamped my passport, but not without a big questionaire. Where are you going? What will you do? How much money do you have? I had all the answears, until he asked to fatality question, the only one I had no answaer whatsoever.

For how long are you staying in Ireland? Really? Am.... am.... I don't know - I said. You don't know? No, sir. I'll travel by bike, it takes time...

The questionaire continued until he finally gave up. We were in! We ARE in! What are the plans after SteemFest? I still don't know, but I'll figure out.


The last leg was completed by car from Frankfurt, where my great friend @guchtere, picked me up. Lots of talking, music and eating! I still can't pronounce the name of the stuff we were eating, but I'll do a post only about that.

All this time I was communicating with another great friend, @for91days, the whole time he was helping me with the airport steps, at each step conquered we'd celebrate. Can you imagine how happy we were when I finally wen't through the gates of the gigantic Frankfurt airport. We were screaming on the Whatsapp chat. We were a few hours from meeting, the TravelFeed gang would be partially complete, only missing @rimicane and @jpphotography.


Remy and I before starting the road trip


Juergen and I preparing one of the breads with peanut butter and chocolate (awesomely weird combination, tastes fantastic)

From that moment until now I've met so many people already, so cool to talk to @captainbob, @bimjer, @stoodkev, @goodwithtravels, @phortun, @matkodurko, @world-travel-pro, @daveonarrival, a brief introduction with @evecab, @llfarms and the names keep on coming as I remember - after some beers it becomes difficult, give me a break.

So anyway, I just wanted this blog post to be as simple as possible because I'm travelling, and that doesn't mean I'm just doing tourism, still a lot of work to be done for the projects I work.

I'll talk about the journey in a video and bring a funny challenge so we can interact. I'd like to thank my family and friends (you know who you are) for being so supportive on my decisions. You guys rock!

There's a lot to come, and if you are here in Kraków, drop me a message so we can meet!

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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