[Blog #46] Revisiting Kraków | Thoughts | Photography

Heeeyho Readers! Revisiting photos from Kraków that I haven't had the chance to look until now.

On the last days of the Steem Fest 3 in Kraków the Steemians headed to Auschwitz, with the exeption of the great sexy Travel Feed crew and friends who decided to join me for a walking journey.

The day was quite warm the the sky clear and blue, which at the end of the day turned out to be my fatality, I'll explain in a moment. Our plans were simple, just walk, photograph, fly drones, have fun, eat, laugh, visit the Wawel Hill Complex and at the end catch the sunset by the river. Sometimes simple plans are the best, we had the crew, we had the friendship.

The Friendship

Meeting the guys who I interact everyday on the Steemverse felt as natural as meeting an old friend again, so natural and happy. I couldn't feel grateful enough for being able to live the life I had always dreamed about. To represent the friendship, be it close or timid ones, I would like to share this photograph os some friends hanging around by the lake on that lovely day.


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Castles and Dragons

Being a lover of the series Game of Thrones and the whole medievel history I was just like in wonderland. If there's something that activates creativity, the vibe in Kraków is certainly one of them; trying to imagine how life was centuries ago is just something that blows my mind. The clothes, the music, the feasts, the walls and dragons... were there dragons? It would be awesome. Unfortnately the real ones were sleeping, but this one was still pretty angry at the tourists!


The city presents the architecture evolution throughout the centuries, isn't it cool to have the old walls still there while the city evolved around the old castles and churches? I think one would need more than some trebuchet to go over this.


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Architectural Wonders

I won't flood you with pictures of buildings and domes, because they are everywhere in Kraków, one as beautiful as the other. As an angineer I ask myself... How? With all the modern technology it would be difficult enough to build these constructions. Yet, here they are, siting there for centuries.



The Sunset

Most of my sunset pictures failed miserably, but here's at least one by the Vistula river. I'll miss cycling on this exact bicycle lane.


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See you next time Kraków

With a wave from the knight It was time to say good-bye to the amazing city of Kraków. After the photography adventure with the crew and friends I was already freezing the bones with the sun past gone. The freezing sensation kept on going and soon became a full body pain who turned out to be a fever and later a sore throat, putting be into bed on the last night of the SF3. Things that happen... and that made me realise that the Steemverse is simply amazing.


Thank you for being amazing, community! Did you like these last photos from Kraków?

If you liked this post, please, consider leaving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broke backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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