Puerto Cisnes - Chile | Photography | Funny Little Story About Tides

Hooray you mighty readers! How are you? Aren't tides funny things? My observations of the Pacific.

One day hitchhiking freely in this world of ours I stumbled upon a great little place in Chile called Puerto Cisnes. I'll talk about it in a full travel story post, since I have a great one about this little place. For that you'll have to stay tuned my dear reader.

For now I'd like to show you some interesting photographs I've taken on diferent days, same local though.

Have you ever stopped for a bit to just observe the tides? Once in history the great navigation methods were discovered by just observing our space; how the tides moved, the stars, the sun. For many years we thought that the sun was rotating the earth! Isn't that crazy?

I find it incredible how the forces exerted by the sun and the moon can move the water around us. Well... there's much more complexity to it, however, the way it affected me was simple and funny.

One day I was walking on the soft and mudy sands of Puerto Cisnes' bay thinking that it would be a great idea to spend the day there, doing nothing. The other day I had got a break from my part-time job and I thought - It's today!

There I went. I've gathered some fruits, my camera and something to lay on. Plan was to do nothing but enjoy myself by the water of my newly discovered little place. Guess what? Nature had other plans. I got to the beach and 'where the heck is the beach? It's gone!'. Even the sun had left me hanging, you bastard!

I'm glad I haven't gone there and fell asleep, just to discover later that I'm floating in the middle of the Pacific. Uff!

Funny Tides

Puerto Cisnes' Bay - Chile.
Puerto Cisnes' Bay. Click image to enlarge!
Puerto Cisnes' Bay - Chile.
Let's enjoy the beeeea... Noup! Click image to enlarge!

Do you like to observe the tides? Do you have such tide difference near you? Comment down below, I'd love to hear from you.

I hope you've enjoyed this small story. If you liked it, consider giving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.


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