Hello, hello folks! Become a more confident person while traveling. Here's why you should hitchhike.

We've all at certain point thought that life was getting kinda boring and routine, the classic wake up, breakfast, 9-5 work, go back home, shower, rinse and repeat. We are readers of "On the road"  and "Into the Wild", that makes us think that maybe we should just throw everything to the air, resign from work, grab a backpack and go live life as a crazy traveler. 

Are those thoughts familiar? Do you believe that I've done all that? 

I'll tell the full story on upcoming posts, for that stay tunned! For now I just want to bring my 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD HITCHHIKE somewhere, be it far away or near your hometown, justo do it!

Without further ado, let's go.


For many people, going out and doing something totally out of their confort zone can be a challenge, that is driven by what I call the "if". For every idea you have I can guarantee there'll be many "if" to hold you back and you'll have to fight that emotion, be it asking someone out or deciding to take a trip alone.

Before I've decided to take my long hitchhike trip I had many "if" questions going through my mind. My tip is: Fight your own brain and beat it, teach it that it'll be OK. 

Find solutions for every "if" that is going on. What if nobody stops for me? Wait longer then. What if it's a serial killer? What are the chances? What if I get sick on the road? Go find a hospital. What if all my stuff get stolen? Explain your situation, ask for help and return home.

I can go on and on answearing questions but trust me, all you gotta do is just GO. The first step is always the hardest but once it's done you'll see that everything is much simpler than you think and you'll benefit from it in the future.

Can you handle being alone here, with no cars in a radius of many kilometers?


From the first statement I conclude that, by fighting your fears you'll become super confident. You don't need necessarily to hitchhike (eventhough the aim for this post is that), that apply for travelling alone as well.

It's not a lie that, if you get used to go out of the comfort zone, you'll not fear it. Your brain will not care anymore and you'll deal with it without thinking. Why do I know that? Because I've been there and tested it myself. Imagine with me:

  • You are alone, no one to support you. If you don't take action you'll be stuck there without moving in panic. Do you want that? No! So you'll do something, you'll talk to strangers, that's the beginning for building your confidence.
  • You'll learn how to accept rejection by listening to many "NO" from the drivers. Listening to a NO hurts on all levels, but you have to.

If you are a shy and introvert person I can assure you that your first attempt alone, away from any support will be a strange and clumsy situation, it was for me and I've never been an introvert. 

I'll tell you a little story, I've always liked to travel alone and I'm a teacher, so I don't have problems dealing with people, however my first try on a hitchking situation I was a little worried thinking: What do I do now? And when the first car stopped for me I had no idea what to tell.

So please for the love of yourself. If you want to do it, go and do it. Stick your thumb up and GO.

I've talked with this people with confidence and with happiness, they invited me to their home.


This is one of the greatest things you'll experience, discovering that all those serial killers are super cool people willing to share, not only their car, but their experiences. They'll be curious to listen your story and maybe your story will make them realise life from another perspective, a perspective of a person who is comfortable being uncomfortable.

Quite often the drivers will give you some money and even offer to stay at their house, it has happened to me and can happen to you.

You'll meet awesome people from all over the world at hostels, doing exactly what you are doing, and great friendships will be made. Most of my travel friends keep in touch eventhough we are miles away.

Some great friends I've made along the way.


YES, guys this is the best part. Hitchhiking can be a lot of fun, thus sometimes everything seems to fall apart. When normal people would freak out you'll just laugh. 

More than once I was in the middle of NOWHERE, alone, hungry, and from the fewers cars passing by, NOBODY cared that I was there. I had to spend the night camping by the side of the road. Was it a problem? Absolutely not, I had a lot of fun enjoying myself and waiting for a new day.

Incredible driver, stopped to enjoy the view and have some snacks.


Problems will happen but now they are not a problem. You've passed through a lot, you've talked to strangers in another language, you met loads of new people, you had to camp by the side of the road or at a gas station and yet new problems will happen. The cool thing is that now you are a confident person who can use ones brain to think. You'll think of quick solutions for anything that comes to you.

No cars? NO problem!

I'm not going to tell you all the crazy situations I've put myself into or this post will be gigantic, but you'll know, eventually, as I talk about them in upcoming posts.

If you liked this content consider following me since I'll post more about the subject including the negative part and all the crazy situations I've faced. If you have this crazy thoughts about traveling or if you had similar experiences please consider leaving a comment down below, I'll be glad to hear.

Have a great day and don't let your dreams fade away.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Brazil, Travel, Camping & General.

Follow me to stay tunned for more info and tips.

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