Travel Diary: DUBAI - The Full Experience

Dear my lovely Steemians,

I am back with content, finally! This month has been not only extremely busy, but full of new experiences, interesting adventures, fun and exciting news I cannot wait to share with you as soon as I'm allowed to.  I am challenging myself to be more active again, sometimes in form of a photo-gallery. I will do my best to share a lot with you, but I truly believe in:

Quality over everything! So when I don't have the time, I rather do it later than rushed. Also, please let me know what content you enjoyed reading the most, or feel free to share content suggestions.

In my last post I already shared that I love doing recaps of my travel experiences and I shared with you my first trip to London. Now from London,  I flew directly toooooo....


And I have to say it was definitely one of my favorite trips. Even though it was mainly a business trip, I had a lot of fun, got to meet some very amazingly inspiring people, learned a lot about the city Dubai and made new friends. 

In this post I want to share with you some impressions, experiences, the food, the people, places and all the fun!

The Hotel: During the trip I stayed at two Hotels 1. Sheraton and 2. H-hotel and for anybody who's planning on going to Dubai and is just as obsessed with interior and especially marble design, I definitely recommend the Sheraton (also slightly less expensive). Not only is the interior design to die for...

but it was an overall amazing experience. The view, every morning at breakfast in the club lounge was just amazing. The staff was also very friendly and even the guests were mainly very "easy going" and I had a conversation with somebody new every day. 

The Club Lounge - Breakfast View:

Also there was the most relaxing spa I've ever been to, where I could for the first time in months just shut off and rejuvenate!

Shortly after I arrived I was joined by  my good friend, business partner and your favorite Steemian, besides me (am I joking though?) @sirwinchester

We explored Dubai for a whole day. The city is magical, everything is brand new and you can witness the development, because it is so rapid (overnight) which is an incredible experience!

One of the best parts, was meeting new friends, business partner and getting to know the "local side" of Dubai instead of just doing the tourist plan. Thanks to our friend on the picture below, our trip turned out very enriched in every aspect! But more about that later on...

As you can assume we also went to the famous Dubai Mall! where I experienced a "culture clash situation".  I would love to hear your opinion on this topic, as it is a highly subjective matter. Even though I am a feminist (believe in equal rights for men and women) and I am a tourist from Germany visiting Dubai, I am also aware of and educated about the cultural differences, concerning women and women rights. I may not agree with rules, views and parts of the culture of a country, but certainly respect it. So in my mind I am thinking "I am going to wear something that I feel comfortable in, that covers what I want to cover and no colors, because I don't want to draw attention to me, but at the same time this is a tourist place, so it will be ok to wear what I was wearing..." apparently not.. (also I covered my neckline) 

I don't want to get deep into the topic and share my entire opinion, but here is what happened: I am walking around the mall like in the picture and I can say that from what I saw, all local women were fully covered, women from Saudia Arabia heavier than local women, however it was ok for tourists (blonde hair and light eyes) to wear shoulder-less tops and hot pants. Now there is me, dark hair, brown eyes and wearing a romper at 20+ degrees. I am not sure if the following happened, because the officer at the mall assumed I was muslim or because the romper in combination with heels was too much. But anyway I got handed this ticket:

Hmmm.. at first I have to admit it made me angry and sad, but it was a great learning experience (and might be fun to make copies off and hand it to girls at clubs in Germany).. jk..

 Let me know what you think in the comment section! Anyway, moving on....

Outside of the mall is the stunning BURJ KHALIFA! The world's tallest building (doesn't even fit fully on the picture)

The next time I went I respected their policy and dressed "appropriate"

We had a lovely dinner dinner at the harbor:

Oh and the food in general is seriously SO good I can't even put it into words.. just take a look:

If you are planning on visiting Dubai, you CANNOT and I repeat  CANNOT LEAVE, without having stopped at a place called "Karamna" where I had the most delicious dessert ever! It was so good, we had to re-order it. The place is just outside of the Dubai Mall and is a hookah lounge / restaurant

Another "must visit" spot in Dubai is: ATLANTIS, THE PALM - a fascinating underground Aquarium! 

And finally, my personal highlight of the entire trip: 


We got invited by our new friend (the one in the picture before) to get the full local experience, so he organized a day in the desert for us: Sand duning - Quad biking - Overcoming the fear of holding a bird - Dinner in the desert with a fire pit - Laying on the top of a dune in the middle of the night in the middle of the desert under the brightest sky full of stars, living in the moment, loving life!

Overall it was a very successful trip in every way, as I mentioned earlier and I highly recommend to put Dubai on your travel-bucket-list!
That's it for now about my Dubai experience. More posts about Dubai, also their regulations on cryptocurrency and involvement in fintech will follow soon.. I hope you enjoyed the diary entry! 

Much love,

- Mrs.Steemit

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