myday #0

Hi and welcome to @myday.

I'm from Sydney Australia and through @steemit I'm exploring what its like to explore @myday. Not in any particular order, or particular time frame but just parts of @myday through my eyes and sometimes the cameras lens.

But first, let me tell you about myself :)


Leigh and Grace

I'm a 30 something year old based in Australia. I started my life in Perth, Western Australia and moved around 14 times before settling in Sydney (for the third time) with my beautiful girlfriend, Grace of three years. Grace and I met in the most liveable city in the world, Melbourne - where the coffee is great and the weather...well let just leave it there...but you can't knock the coffee there it's incredible.

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My beautiful girl, Grace

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Grace enjoying the sunset in Western Australia

We have two beautiful kittens named Snowy and Hokkaido who we just adore! I mean, who wouldn't they are so cute!


Snowy and Hokkaido fast asleep on their favourite chair

My day job is for an imaging company where I feel very lucky to be able to help others with their photography. It's been a long road with them, but I feel fortunate and lucky to be able to do what I do. I have a strong passion for the visual medium, story telling and networking. People make this world and I think through networks like @steemit it would be great to meet some new people, follow them and learn about what's important to them.

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Out in the early morning fog with a camera in hand

I really enjoy travelling with Grace, eating out and try new and interesting foods from distant cultures and restaurants every week. I'm an avid watcher of Trevor James's 'Food Ranger' on YouTube, which is certainly a must watch if you enjoy street food from around the world!

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Yummy hotpot with friends in China

I suppose I'm well travelled, I've been to the US, Thailand, Fiji, Japan, Hawaii, China, South Africa and explored the West Australian and East Australian coasts quite a bit (Australia's massive if you never been). Throughout my travels I have taken hundreds of thousands of photos and its my hope to share @myday with you here on @steemit.

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Taking photos in a helicopter over Mana Island in Fiji

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A view over the Yellow Mountains in China

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A White Rhino in South Africa - an experience I won't forget!

I hope you can follow me and join me for this exciting ride. Be sure to leave me a comment as I always love to hear from everyone. Stay tuned for the first @myday post coming soon!

Leigh Diprose :)

PS I'm new here, so if anyone knows how to centre vertical images then let me know in the comments below!

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