My Photography The Chinese Elements / 故宫 - 中国元素 (Part2)

The Forbidden City was the Chinese Imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China. It now houses the Palace Museum.
The complex consists of 800 buildings with 8,886 rooms. It covers 720,000 square metres. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 as the "Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", and is listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of preserved ancient wooden structures in the world

刚刚翻到这些老照片,这些照片是带老父亲去北京旅行时拍摄的,看到他年轻时的样子,想到了我将来老去的时候, 那时很穷,刚刚参加工作,只有不到3000一个月,在天津塘沽一家软件公司上班,老父亲是第一次来北京,他们那个年代的人心中的偶像就是毛主席, 参观完北京故宫,他回到老家,念到中国的政策真是好,因为帮他买票身份证超过60岁,只要了半票,今年75岁了,现在上庐山都是不收票的, 身体还好,每隔半个月左右我都会带小孩回乡下看看

The Forbidden City 15 years ago / 跟随我的照片看看15年前的故宫

Emperor of China / 中国的皇帝

Architectural style of Forbidden City / 故宫的建筑风格

China's Senate / 中国皇帝议政的地方

Chinese emperor wedding room / 中国皇帝结婚的新房

Forbidden City Treasures / 故宫的珍宝

My father / 我的父亲

My photos on steemit, hope never lost / 这些照片放在steemit,希望永不丢失
Welcomes to Beijing / 中国的北京相比其它城市,非常文明,拿简单的坐地铁来说, 在北京花费$0.3的票,你可以从一环坐到五环 ,但同样的是上海则要挤得多, 所以我更爱北京

Enjoy :)
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