My Travel Photos Guilin Scenery / 我的旅行 - 桂林山水

Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin is a world famous scenic city, has a unique karst, "Semiotic"

Many years ago when I first went to Guilin, I live in the south, been to many mountains, but very unique landscape of Guilin, the highest mountain in no more than 300 meters, so you can hardly see high-rise buildings in Guilin.
许多年前我第一次去桂林,我生活在南方,去过许多名山,但桂林的山水很独特,最高的山不超过300米, 所以在桂林你很难看到高层建筑

In recent years I followed my friends to go to Guangxi, found that the best is not the landscape of Guilin,Such as the "world's longevity, Bama Yao Autonomous County
Guangxi Wuzhou tea Lake, Highland Lake, etc.
但随后这几年我跟随朋友们再去广西, 发现最好的山水并不是桂林, 比桂林山水好的地方很多,如被誉为“世界长寿之乡, 巴马瑶族自治县,广西梧州的茶山湖,高原千岛湖等等

Enjoy the landscape of Guilin
Elephant Trunk Hill / 象鼻山
The mountains stretch resembles an elephant standing in the river water nose, hence the name, is a symbol of Guilin

Guilin cuisine - Guilin rice noodles / 桂林的美食 - 桂林米粉
Unique is not material, they eat a large bowl, enough to eat two individuals

Reed Flute Cave / 芦笛岩
Known as the "underground palace of art." / 被誉为“地下艺术宫殿”。

Lijiang River / 漓江
Lijiang River Scenic Area is the world's largest and most scenic tourist area of karst landscape
漓江风景区是世界上规模最大、风景最美的岩溶山水游览区,游览需要坐船至阳朔, 自驾游是欣赏不了漓江的两岸美景, 阳朔县城,夜景不错,西方文化元素很多

Nine horses in mountains / 九马画山
I found the five horses / 我是没找出九马出来

Longsheng Longji Terrace, it is best to visit the harvest season / 桂林龙胜龙脊梯田

Local minority unique style, their hair has more than 1 meter long / 当地少数民族独有的风情,她们的头发都有1米多长,身上穿的加上戴的得有十多斤重

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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