My Travelling Photography Jingganshan / 井冈山 星星之火可以燎原

This mountain has great significance in the annals of modern Chinese history for it was here that important events during the Chinese revolution took place. For those who are interested in the history of the revolution, it is possible to take a tour on Mt. Jinggang that the people who against great odds struggled to establish the Peoples' Republic of China. Mt. Jinggang is famous for the fact that it was here that forces led by Zhu De joined those headed by Mao Zedong. Together, the combined forces of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) marched on to a victory that was to establish the new China under the Chairmanship of Mao Zedong. Mt. Jinggang with its special features is quite different from the other sights, which makes a visit so rewarding.
Mt. Jinggang is located on the common boundary of Jiangxi Province and Hunan Province, 352 kilometers (about 219 miles) southwest from the capital city - Nanchang.

Jinggangshan I so far have been to a place where the most civilized of all travel, why so civilized, that he is a Chinese revolutionary base areas, you will not see commodity price tag chaos here, no hard sell, not there are street selling, in short, it is China's most polite place, if not traveling by car, you can take Beijing - EXECUTIVE direct train Z133
井冈山是我目前为止,去过所有旅游城市和名山最文明的一个地方,只所以文明,在于他是中国革命的根据地, 你在这里不会见到商品价格乱标签,不会有强买强卖,不会有街头的叫卖, 总之是中国最文明礼貌的地方, 北方的朋友如果不是自驾游,可以坐北京-井冈山 直达专列Z133

Jinggangshan azalea is very famous,April to May each year, azaleas in full bloom, a riot of color,
it is the perfect time to visit Jinggangshan. Jinggangshan "Ten cuckoo" known world
井冈山的杜鹃是很有名, 4-5月份,杜鹃盛开,万紫千红,正是游览井冈山的绝佳时机。井冈山“十里杜鹃”闻名天下

Jinggangshan bamboo equally characteristic, Bamboo Covering an area of more than Lushan,Bamboo made goods,
are visible everywhere, to buy underwear are also made of bamboo

In addition to rhododendrons and bamboo, the Jinggangshan pumpkin soup and pumpkin soup are sure you will eat,
because China's leaders, is to eat this every day.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, Enjoy Chinese leaders And where they worked Photos



In 2011, I look at how dark tan,Almost as the Africans / 2011年的我,看看晒得有多黑,都快成非洲人了

There is also a song, you can hear everywhere in Jinggangshan, the name of the song is called "Azalea"

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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