My trip - Lotus Cave Forest Park (Original) 青山不改,绿水长流

Since the last Hong Kong came back, all the coin price began to rise, which rose more than everyone expected, take the Chinese stock market, there is no such crazy, in just a few days turned a few times, the feast of the currency How long can be sustained, no one knows, but steem performance is very good

Talk about travel, some people like to travel on holidays, I do not like to go far away, there are many reasons,if you have a little guy is difficult to travel, do not look at Hunan TV "where The father is the simple, there is a strong logistical support, if the child grow up, then will be much easier.

Good weather is around around, running 15 minutes to the Lushan Forest Park, where the air is very good, every week I will come here to fetch water, I like quiet, where only the stream of quiet flowing, birds singing, Leisure time, Thinking about the foreign exchange trading strategy, many questions and inspiration in this walk to get the answer.
At the foot of the mountain there are many villas and people are being built, if so the BTC rose to a set of villas, I have to change a few sets :)

Summer, My private yard pool :)

自从上次香港回来后,所有币价就开始上涨,这涨幅超过所有人的预料, 就拿中国股市来说,也没有这么疯狂,能在短短几天翻几十倍, 这次币的盛宴能持续多久,没人知道, 但steem表现还是不错,下跌了快一周年了,在大家几乎失去信心的时候,又起死回生,会不会再吸取上一次的经验,割菜不能割太快了,青山不改,绿水长流才是最重要.

山脚下有许多别墅和公寓正在建造, 等比特币涨到一个换一套别墅的时候,我来换个几套:)

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