The Delicious Sturgeon Caviar in China ,Prices More Than Gold / 中华鲟鱼籽酱,价格超过黄金

Many people know that salmon, trout,They caviar are very popular in other parts of Japan, Korea, Europe, the United States, You can buy them in Chinese supermarkets,But chinese people in the supermarket to buy salmon, Most of them come from chinese farmed northeast

Salmon to the breeding season, sexually mature salmon, They will return to their place of birth rivers to spawn,
In China we have the same kind of fish,It's called Chinese Sturgeon, it is much larger than the salmon, can grow to 100 kg

世界许多人都知道鲑鱼,三文鱼,鳟鱼,它们的鱼籽在日本,韩国,欧州,美国等其它地区都非常受欢迎,你可以在中国的许多酒店或者超市购买到它们, 但中国人在超市购买的大马哈鱼来自中国冬北的人工养殖

This is the salmon Caviar, it is red / 这是三文鱼籽酱,它是红色的

Yangtze fishermen catch wild Sturgeon / 渔民捕获的野生中华鲟

But salmon go home has been hampered,The world's largest water conservancy project, China Three Gorges Dam Blocked their migratory,
But the Chinese government to protect the Sturgeon,spent a lot of effort and money, Yichang, Hubei in China established the Chinese sturgeon fry breeding base,
Every year more than 200,000 sturgeon released into the Yangtze,Wild sturgeon are protected in China,Anyone not allowed to hurt them, was mistakenly caught must be released

Artificial breeding of sturgeon / 人工繁值的中华鲟

Sturgeon base staff member / 这是千岛湖鲟鱼基地工作人员在准备生产鱼籽酱

China Zhejiang Qiandao Lake sturgeon breeding base, is a major producer of caviar, My friends and I often go sturgeon fishing Hotel,you can not only catch sturgeon,
But also can enjoy fresh caviar,Sturgeon fish feast,Sturgeon caviar prices more than gold,I'll tell you why so expensive,Farmed sturgeon fish cost is very high, A large number of fish must be fed every day,They need to be much longer, reaching more than 50 kg,All operations are controlled by qualified personnel, a very high technical requirements

中华鲟全鱼宴, 中华鲟鱼籽酱的价格超过了黄金,我来告诉你为什么会这么贵,人工养殖的中华鲟鱼成本是非常高的,每天必须投喂大量的活鱼,能够取鱼籽酱的中华鲟个体都

You had salmon, Chinese sturgeon want to taste it? Enjoy sturgeon fish feast, If you travel to China Zhejiang,You should go sturgeon breeding base
我想你一定吃过三文鱼,是不是想吃中华鲟了, 如果你来中国浙江旅行,请一定要去浙江千岛湖鲟鱼养殖基地, 那里你可以品尝到中华鲟鱼籽酱

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