This was around a year back during our trip to Iran.It's a very beautiful country, sadly too much of global political issues in this place which does not make this place a very tourist friendly. The whole of Iran is so picturesque, every place is unique, there are ice clad mountains, green landscapes, the famous Caspian Sea. In the city you see beautiful gardens all over the place. But language is a big barrier, very few people would speak English, it is very important to have a tour guide to visit this country, else one will feel lost. We went for 2 weeks in a Tour, so it was comfortable and really did not have much of issue.
This place where we visited is near Tehran, Mount Damavand, it is the highest mountain peak in Iran and located in the central part of the Alborz mountain range. The whole Mountain range is breathtaking. This particualr mountain has a mythology behind it. It is said that there is a Monster named Zohak who is chained up in this Mountain, whole day and night he keeps chewing the chains and weakens them, but at the crack of dawn when the cock crows the chain once again gets strong and binds the monster Zohak. Through this mythology it also conveys the message that good will always have victory over the evil, just about the time when Zohak would set free the cock crows and he again gets chained up, likewise when we think that the evil has taken over and there is no hope comes the ray of hope and goodness at rescue.
I love this picture, the way the clouds have covered up the peak, in the shape of the peak.
The Alborz Mountain Range
We took a halt here for quite some time. These horses were freely set to graze around.
Hope you all enjoyed the place and the pictures of Mount Damavand in the Alborz mountain range.
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GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍
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