A fun hitchhiking experience

Having rested in Karakol after the mountains I went to Bishkek for the permit to GBAO (Pamir Highway). The road on the southern coast of Issyk Kul rightfully became one of the most beautyful roads I've seen.
The clouds are squeezeing between gigantic white mountains, sometimes blocking the sunlight, sometimes letting it spill upon the reddish-brown hills descending to the lake much like the sea.

Only a massive mountain range far away to the north partially mixing with clouds gives away that it's merely a lake.

That evening proved memorable as I hitched a car in 60 kilometers from Bishkek, an old-school mercedes. My conversation with the driver went like this:

  • Where are you going?
  • To Bishkek. Would you give me a ride?
  • I'm gonna drink vodka.
  • Are you not afraid?
  • No.
  • Neither am I.
  • Hop in!

After half an hour he was treating me to shashlyks with vodka, for which we had to go to a remote shop, as the cafe we went in wasn't serving it and he wanted to drink vodka badly.
After all the food and drinks we continued our ride to Bishkek, but got stopped by the road police.
I was sure my hospitable driver was in for a trouble but the policeman merely looked inside the car, shaked the driver's hand, saluted and let us go. Turned out, my driver was a colonel of the police, occupying some high office there.
Finally he drove me all the way to the hostel I booked and gave me his number in case of trouble.
All in all it was a fun evening.

Full gallery (exposure sucks, I know) https://supload.com/ryXZXRa4z

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