Bishkek - Osh, Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek turned out to be one of the most boring places I've ever been to, nothing to see, nothing to do, no places worth visiting. Except the embassy of Tajikistan which was closed for some holidays.
But the next day I was able to get the permit to GBAO and left on the following day. In my time there I hanged out with a professional photographer from Turkey and that was the most notable thing that happened in that overgrown village.

In the morning of 08/11/17 I got to the road in hopes of getting to Osh with the daylight. But in reality I had to hitchhike through the night as well, I arrived to Osh only in the following morning, having slept in the cabin of the truck, that picked me up in the middle of nowhere near Jalalabad in complete darkness. The cabin is like those of trains - two bunks on top of each other.

As usual, I failed to capture most of the wonders on the road, 'cause I still suck at it.
Osh was even more dull than Bishkek, the most interesting thing that happened was mold on the dried meat, that I carry all the way from Almaty. I tried to get rid of it cutting the mold out and washing meat with a cheap cognac. We'll see how it plays out.

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