Steemit Meetup - South Florida 2018 :: Part 2 :: (Food, Singing, and Rollercoasters)

The second half of the South Florida Steemit Meetup spanned Sunday and Monday and lavished us with sunlight, food, walking, voice lessons, human bench-pressing, and roller coasters. Pretty much all the critical components necessary for shenanigans.

Sunday and Monday saw our adventurous party reduced by a few, as @anarcho-andrei and @ladymaharet made their way back to Alabama. The rest of us soldiered on into the heart of Sunday.

Obviously, the first thing to do was to make breakfast.

@aggroed turned out to be super skilled in certain domestic arts, namely omelette-making. Using something like a dozen eggs from @kubbyelizabeth’s gift of eggs (see yesterday’s post), he assembled a fluffy monstrosity that rivaled a football in size, but tasted significantly better.

We (@aggroed, @morodiene, and myself) then headed to a nature preserve for a long walk in the Florida sun on one of the many walking/biking trails in the area to try and work off some of these eggs and cheese. While we waited for @meno and @ankapolo, @aggroed had a voice lesson from @morodiene, a voice teacher. The cops came by, but we were not the droids they were looking for, and they moved on.

Then we walked the long path into the depths of the Florida wilderness. We searched for gators, and saw a buttload of small babies, and one giant beast of a gator on the far side of a canal. Nobody died, even though @meno expressed his desire to be inside a gator’s mouth.

My legs are still sore from all the walking. I think I need to exercise more.

Back home, we met up with the rest of the folks. @crimsonclad, @scaredycatguide, and @clayboyn stopped by for food. You can’t tell in this horrifically bad photo, but we’re all chowing down on homemade salsa and non-homemade tortilla chips. Once again, @aggroed carries his weight well and applies his domestic skills to chopping of onions and cilantro.

Oh yes, they stopped by for beer too. Here, the beer-lovers among us enjoy some of my homebrew in my slightly creepy Beer Dungeon ( garage).

And then we feast. A large quantity of grilled shish-ka-bob items pleased the veggie-people and non-veggie-people alike. I had to force @clayboyn to put my meat in his mouth. Er....I mean...he had to leave shortly after this, and I didn’t want him to starve on the way home, so I made him take some extra meat nuggets.

Next stop? Orlando! The plan was enjoy Universal Studios on Monday, so we arrived late Sunday evening. What to do now? Food, of course. We managed to corral @swelker101 and @isaria for a late dinner at Bahama Breeze. Let it be noted that @aggroed is not a fan of jack fruit tacos. @kubbyelizabeth’s phone seemed to enjoy them, however. Since a taco was dropped on it, it really had no choice in the matter.

@swelker101 was coerced into straddling @lenadr's shoulders, which he did in good-natured fun. Once again, nobody died, and nobody got arrested, so it was a success by any measure.

Next morning, after much prodding of @lenadr, we got out of the house in a reasonably timely manner and arrive at Universal Studios. Much thanks from the group to @geke, who graciously was able to provide some tickets to those who needed one.

A beautiful day. We expected massive crowds (this was Spring Break week) but it was not too terrible. We went on a crapton of fancy rides and 3D things. Much vertigo ensued, but nobody threw up.

I’d like a donut please. Yes, that big one up there will be fine, thanks.

Onwards to Harry Potter World/Land/City/Place. They really did a good job with the set and build of this place, lots of cool buildings.

And this fire dragon. It’s pretty cool, it blows fire and roars randomly, and little kids underneath it suddenly start crying and freaking out if they’re not prepared for it. Yes. Good times.

@aggroed was sad about the price of bitcoin, and decided to augment his failing fortunes by turning to panhandling. @choogirl decided to help a brother out with a few pennies.

It was a warm day, so naturally we turned to the kiddie water slides to cool down. @aggroed was allowed to ride the tiny water boat down the reasonably decent water slide. He got moist for his efforts.
@choogirl was the first to go down.
The waterslide, that is.

We avoided rain all day, but the clouds rolled in just as we were leaving.

Hm. It almost looks like everybody survived the day. Odd. Unexpected. What a twist!

Back at the apartment, we decided to test our luck with a @lenadr bench-press of @choogirl. It went off without a hitch. It’s possible I have a video of this, and will post it separately.

As it turns out, this may be one of my few posts where somebody does not die in the end. Sorry to disappoint. I'll make up for it next time.

Still, despite that, everyone had a good time and made it back to their respective hometowns/homelands without major incident.

Great fun, would do again!

Photos by @negativer, except for last photo by Kubby, who was flat on her back at that point.

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