In the heart of Transylvania - The magic place of Colibita Lake-The sea from the mountain

Dear Steemit Friends,

I haven't been very active at the beginning of this week but I want to start this week's writing with an article that I prepared for some time now, an article about a magical place that I am lucky enough to live quite close to it.
The place is at around 50 km away from the city of Bistrita,a city from the north of Romania and has a significant impact on any visitor that sticks around it enough to see its beautiful values and feel its benefits on the heath.


Colibita's name comes from "colibele ciobanilor" or translated "The Shepherds huts" because of its beginnings when only a couple of shepherds were taking care of their seeps in a small village between the mountains.


A short history of this place:

šŸ”“ Around the beginning of the 19th century this place was barely considered a small village situated at around 800 meters altitude, between Calimani Mountains and Bargau Mountains which are some subgroup of the Carpathian Mountains.
Back then in 1850 there were less than 20 villagers of which main occupation was shepherding their sheep.
Around 1869 a main road has been developed creating a connection between the small village and another main villages at a lower altitude.
šŸ”“ In 1883 a young lady declares that she was curated of Tuberculosis (TB) which is an infectious disease of the lungs, just by living for a certain time around this amazing place and just by breathing the fresh air from this mountains. After many years studies have found that the air in this location is extremely rich in ozone which has an important positive potention on the lungs diseases.
šŸ”“ Around 1898 the first railway was implemented to create a connection between the city of Bistrita and the edge of this small village Coibita following to develop later around 1920 a narrow railway to go directly to the village for wood transportation.
With that being done, the small village has increased its inhabitants number and the village has grown until
šŸ”“ In 1923, the qualities of the air full of ozone form the village is finally recognized and a sanatorium is built to curate students with lungs issues. Unfortunately the sanatorium is burned down later, around 1940.
šŸ”“ With all that being developed, the village got more and more inhabitants until 1980 when the authorities decided to develop an accumulation lake with the purpose to produce electricity to sustain the area and to have water supplies for the entire city of Bistrita. By the end of 1980 the small village of Colibita disappeared from the map of Romania and after hundreds of years the villagers were moved from their homes. Today if you take a ride with the boat over the lake you can still see sometimes the peak of the old village church and some taller trees.


The developing of the accumulation lake was not a disaster as expected by some people, but a success, as more and more people have settled around the lake and in 2017 the village of Colibita became a touristic resort which allows many people form Romania and other countries to benefit from the amazing healthy air that can nowhere be found in Romania.


From this amazing place you can also take a variety of routes to visit other interesting locationsand if you ask yourself what could you do while you visit the lake, well, you can practice mountain biking, Kayak canoe, climbing and fishing.


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So if you ask yourself how could you breathe clear mountain air and in the same time to feel like you are at the seaside the answer can be Colibita and the experience will bring you some benefits that will be definitely felt after you leave and you will need to go back.

Thanks for reading ! I hope you enjoy !

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