5 Reasons why you should travel alone!

Hello my dear steeming friends,

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take some time off for yourself and venture out on an adventure all alone?
To enter out into the unknown and not know what you will encounter?

Taking some time to yourself if one of the best gifts you can give yourself

Nothing is more scary or rewarding than to challenge yourself to do things that your haven't before and overcome your fears or insecurities.

Traveling alone can really help you grow as a person and give you a new perspective on life.

Here are my top 5 reasons for why you should book a vacation for only yourself for at least 2 weeks.

1 - You will truly get some time to be in your own head.

There is nothing better than some alone time to clear your mind. But what about two weeks of alone time? You will truly get to sort out all of those lose thoughts that are clouding your head.
Many of them unnecessary and not beneficial for you.
When we have a vacation with someone we have constant stimulation and the mind needs to get a little bored in order for the real clarification process to take place.

2 - You will meet new friends.

A lot of people travel alone and if you are like me you will not likely try to connect with a large group of friends traveling together.
Traveling alone will make you push yourself to be uncomfortable and talk so new people, offer them a seat at your table and listen to their life story.
You will be surprised how different life can be and how many different ways there are to live it.
If you travel as a couple or always in the company of friends it's likely that you will be too pre-occupied by each other to pay attention to other people.

3 - You will be uncomfortable (And overcome it!)

There is nothing more rewarding than being in an uncomfortable situation and walk out from is feeling like wow I did that!
Traveling alone removes the security from always having someone else to rely on and you will do all the decision making yourself. This means that you will start feeling empowered and more selfsecure.
You will prove to yourself that you can do things that you thought you wouldn't before. Even if it's just to go to a class by yourself or to eat out alone you will come home with a new selfesteem.

4 - You will learn new things about yourself

As your day passes and you start to find out that eating out alone, going to the beach alone and doing this and that alone is not so bad. You will start to do things you thought you would not normally do.
You might start to think "what else is there I can do" since when we get used to something it becomes comfortable and you probably will start to think about other things to do in order to not get bored.
Maybe go to a spa-treatment, a group meditation or yoga class.
You will probably start exploring new things you haven't thought about before since your mind has been pre-occupied with other things.

5 - You will truly have some time to heal

Being away for at least 2 weeks or more and go through all of the above stages will allow your soul to heal and grow.
You need at least a few days to just get bored and forget all the must and to-dos that you have in your everyday life.
You will come back as a new empowered being, that has grown stronger and more confident in pushing your limits and boundaries.
You will learn a lot of new things about yourself and possibly come home as a new person with a clearer goal of what you want in your life. (I know I did!)

Making a two-week vacation by my self was one of the best things I've done in my life. I regret that I didn't stay a longer time.

I hope you enjoyed my post, feel free to upvote, follow and resteem to let me continue sharing the love with you all :)

Untill next time, lots of love / Nicole <3

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