First time i lay my eyes on the Western Sahara.

I've always wondered what it would be like,
stuff from my childhood fantasies, am i being dropped amidst endless dunes, do i walk and get lost into the desert during some Fata morgana, does my car or plane break down, getting stuck somewhere into some rescue operation, what would it be like being born into a desert tribe?

I have seen the outstretches of the Arabian desert dropping into the Nile near Luxor and Karnak, Egypt, but still not sure and convinced, what to expect, so i took it to Morocco and see the Sahara near Erg Chebi in the Southern parts of the country.

And so it is, windswept flats strewn with eroded sandstones,

while in the distance, beginning out of nowhere, the rising dunes appear.

You know ofcourse that from this point on stretching to the Sahel and Eastward to Egypt, on to the Arabian continent, it will be one great sandmass.

Being in Morocco in wintertime is perhaps the soundest thing to do, though the air is full of clouds from one day to the other.

And the choice is yours, do you enter the sanddunes?
There is even talk of anxiety some people experience when they step into this mass of sand, perhaps a lack of physical clues of direction?

A beetle lifting up his hindlegs, so the moist trickles into drops through grooves to his headpart where he can have a sip.

As for me a strawl and a turnback, back to the world of people.

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