Why Would You Want Frozen Tea?

I was wandering around the streets of Ho Chi Minh all feversish and with a sore throat, looking for anything to cool me off. That's when I saw it.

Frozen tea smiling at me from inside a freezer.

Well, with a face like that, I couldn't really resist trying it.

I found this tea at a place called Microwave. Everyone smiles in this place:

Microwave tea is definitely an interesting concept that I haven't seen before, which means I was definitely going to be trying it out.

You know those frozen yogurt places where you add your own topppings and then pay by weight? This kinda reminded me of that, only with tea.

You pay per topping after picking what tea flavor you want. So the actual tea itself is maybe 80 cents, and then if you want more toppings that's what adds to the cost.

Foam cheese?? I'll take it, as long as it's good enough to make me foam at the mouth!

Wait, rabies is what does that to your mouth...


Tran chau duong nau?!?!! Capu?!?? I'll take that too! No idea what it is, but I want it.

After picking all of my toppings, which ok, I actually only took one thing, I noticed a sign:

I think it was trying to tell me something!!

I think it was telling me how to take the tea from being a block of ice into a magical liquidy potion of throat-soothing goodness, but I'm not sure.

Luckily, an employee microwaved my tea for me so that I didn't have to figure out what the enigmatic sign was trying to say! (It was probably trying to say microwave your tea, dummy!)

I took one peach tea upstairs just to have something cool in my throat.

I snapped some pictures of what it looked like because I was thinking of you guys. Dawww <3

Before leaving, I got another one and left it completely frozen and literally just took it home and put on my forehead. It was the next best thing to having my mom put an ice cold cloth on my head like she used to do when I had fevers as a kid.

Haha, I never thought I'd be laying in bed with frozen tea on my head in Vietnam, but there's a first time for everything!

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