Eating Kaiseki Multi-Course Japanese Dinner in Kyoto, Japan


Some photos of delicious food! This was a set dinner that I ate when I stayed at the Kyoto Wazukaso, traditional hotel in Wazuka, Kyoto. Wazuka is famous for tea picking and is one of the main area of Uji Tea production. Although approximately one hour from Kyoto I think it's totally worth the trip for the beautiful scenery and the experience to learn about and pick tea with a guide.

This hotel experience was also quite incredible as it had modern amenities but at the same time traditional elements such as tatami in your room and an onsen (hot spring) across from your bedroom. I will be showing more photos of this hotel at a later date so please follow me on Steemit to stay updated. 🙂

Today I'm presenting the 'Kaiseki-ryōri', a traditional multi-course Japanese dinner that consists of beautifully plated dishes that are all eaten in a certain order. The special thing about kaiseki is that is always reflects the season and there is a deeper meaning to the dishes. Although simple on the eye, the food is always extremely fresh and has different tastes and textures that work well together.

Since Wazuka is famous for matcha and green tea I was happy to see that the chef had incorporated this in to the dishes. You can see a matcha style tofu dish and some noodles with the green tea colour. Both were delicious! Other foods include sashimi (raw fish), tempura, rice and miso soup. Although the Japanese palette is very different to my own culture in UK somehow I feel a kinship to the simplicity and subtle taste that the traditional Japanese foods have. They are also very light on my stomach and feel healthy. I hope you like these pictures. They made me hungry just looking back through them again! haha Speak soon.














More from my Travels:

Exploring Japan - A Visit to the Kyoto Concert Hall
Exploring Japan - A Walk Through Toji Market in Kyoto
Exploring Japan - Tadao Ando's Garden of Fine Arts in Kyoto
Exploring Japan - A Visit to Kyoto Botanical Gardens
Exploring Japan - Yuzuruha Shrine in Kobe
Exploring Japan - A Visit to Kosetsu Museum of Art Garden
Exploring Darwin - A Trip to Crocodylus Park

All photos captured by Mark Robinson.

Please follow me @oen for more interesting art, design and travel content

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