On Vacation in Memphis and Nashville with Music, Photography, and Steemit.

We took Steemit on vacation with us and had a blast!


Beach Vacation... Not this Time

A few months ago my wife and I planned a vacation to Clearwater, Florida. However, the day we were set to leave, Hurricane Hermine was reaching land in the Gulf of Mexico. It was passing right through Tampa and Clearwater.

We had to change plans. As alternative destination, we decided to go to Memphis, Tennessee. We wanted to visit the famous Beale Street. I didn't know what to expect. I was surprised to see so many people in the street. Some were gathered around in groups, while others were entering and exiting the many bars and restaurants.


What to do on Beale Street?

With this being our first time there, we didn't know where to go. I saw some police officers in the area so I asked them what was a good place to hear music and where could we get some good barbecue. The officers recommended Blues City Cafe. We walk down the establishment and waited in line for a few minutes. We sat at a small table by the bar. Out waiter, Keith, came by to take out order and tell us about the specials.


He recommended we get the Memphis Ribs. I got them in a combination dinner with fried catfish. I guess my expectations were too high because I wasn't that impressed with the food.


Blind Mississippi Morris and Chris Pitts

In front of the dining area there was a stage where a band was breaking down, they had just completed their set prior to us getting there. Several of the musicians were old. I thought that some of these guys are old enough to be my father. I could only make judgments about their appearance because I didn't hear them play.

An older gentleman stepped one stage and was seated. He had on sunglasses. He started to conduct a microphone check. He had a harmonica and started to play a solo. I was blown away at the skill in which he played. He made that harmonica talk.

After the first song, he told a few jokes. One in particular was a about seeing something. Then he stated that it didn't matter because he was blind. His name is Blind Mississippi Morris. During his monologue a couple of band members began to set up around him. A drummer, bass player, and a lead guitarist named Chris Potts.



This band started to play several blues songs. They jammed. The played several tunes, but the showcase of the night was ‘The Thrill Is Gone’ by B.B. King. We thoroughly enjoyed the band that night. Watch a YouTube clip of their performance below.

Tunica Casinos in the Boondocks

The next morning after breakfast we decided to travel to Tunica Mississippi. It is about 20 mile trip from Memphis. This seems like a very odd place for a entertainment complex. What I mean by this is the casinos are literally in the middle of nowhere. The area is very flat with pastures full of livestock surrounded by fields of corn and cotton. Upon arrival went to the Horseshoe and Gold Strike casinos.



By the River

On our way back to downtown Memphis, we stopped at Mud Island, which is adjacent to a park that bordered the Mighty Mississippi River.


After a short stop, we return to Beale Street where we ate at B.B. King’s restaurant and listened to Preston Shannon’s blues band play a few songs. We enjoyed ourselves as we listened to music and laughed at some of the people as they danced.

Particularly one lady who could not sit down for more than a few songs before she was back on the dance floor to display her unorthodox bevy of dance moves, if you want call it that. She, along with the band, entertained us for the remainder of the evening.

Historic Sites in Memphis

The next morning we ate breakfast before visiting several historic sites in Memphis. My wife wanted to see Mason Temple the birthplace of Church of God denomination.


Then we proceeded to The Lorraine Motel, now the National Civil Rights Museum. We arrived just in time for the tour which started with a film covering slavery in America and covered issues up to the Civil Rights movement.


After listening to the film and reading the description of situations in the exhibit, I felt very sad for the mistreatment of African Americans in this country. The tour ended with a visit to the room recreated to depict actual scene where reportedly James Earl Ray assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King. This room is across the street from where Dr. King was standing when was shot.

The Ugly Reality of Human Hatred

It was a bit surreal to be standing in the same area where one man’s life was taken that I had read so much about. A historical figure who is known worldwide as the Father of the Civil Rights. I remember thinking why do people hate others so much that they are willing to take someone’s life. I’m glad I had a chance to visit this place, it left an indelible mark on me.


From the Blues to Country

The next day we departed Memphis on our way to The Music City of the South; Nashville Tennessee. The ride from Memphis to Nashville was about a 2.5 hours. Once we arrived, we ate at Mexican Restaurant in midtown Nashville called Chuey’s. Once again the food was less than average. My wife and I are beginning to think that we are spoiled when it comes to good food. I might write a post about that sometime in the future.

After lunch, we checked into the hotel and took a nap and then we got up and set out to see what midtown Nashville had to offer. The night was quite nice so we walked down to 19th Street and passed by a few clubs and bars. We stopped a pizza joint called Two Boots and a local college band were playing a set. We listened as many college students were gathered around enjoying the tunes. I remember saying to my wife that I felt very old amidst the college crowd.


Nashville Music Scene

The next day, we took music tour of the downtown area and saw some great landmarks and learned some history of the Nashville music scene. The tour took us to Music Row, where the tour guide said this where music is made and downtown on Broad Street is where music is played.

He explained that several prominent music stars owned recording studios and publishing houses on Music Row. We saw the buildings of Sony Music, Warner-Chapel Hill, and BMI and ASCAP. These are big players in the world of music business.

After the tour, we walked around downtown Nashville to sight see and take pictures.



Ready for the Next Vacation

We have not been on vacation in a couple of years, so this one was overdue. Considering we had originally planned to go Florida for a beach vacation, our alternative vacation to Memphis and Nashville was very enjoyable. We were able to pack many activities into just a few days. I really don’t get excited about vacations, however, this one has me looking forward to the next one. I can’t wait!


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