Adventures abound when @vcelier is in town!

Last weekend was an amazing time for the @papa-pepper tribe. We had some steemian guests in town by the names of @vcelier and @naru-celier.

One of the many incredible adventures that we went on was exploring some nearby caves that we had never been to.


Our previous experiences with caving focus around one particular cave in southwestern Wisconsin, and both of trips there have been in recent years.

The first time that we went to “Pop’s Cave” was with Buddy Davis, a singer, songwriter, adventurer, dinosaur sculptor and much, much more.

Pop’s Cave is a cave on some private land in Wisconsin that is in its natural state. This means that there are no lights, walkways, or other things that people have added to it.

When we went with Buddy Davis we could even see the bats hanging on the ceiling. Pinky-Pepper enjoyed everything about it. In fact, we had so much fun that time that we went back a little while later, and I let Pinky-Pepper lead the way so that I could bring Red-Pepper. Some friends like @trueconspiracy and @msgreenthumb also joined us. Those two trips sum up our caving history.


It seems that just about everything that we suggested for activities while @vcelier and naru-celier were in town we wound up doing. On Monday we traveled to Mystic Caverns which is just south of Harrison, Arkansas.

More than 100 years ago the first cave tours were given in the Mystic Cavern cave. Basically a man would charge you a dime and give you a kerosene lantern, and off you went. Since @vcelier paid our admission fees, I’m still not even sure what it cost.

This cave also used to be a big place to party. People would bring their booze and firewood into the cave and party all night. Often they would be too intoxicated to make their way out, so they would just sleep in the cave. At one point there was even a still located inside the cave to make moonshine.

This cave is much more “touristy” than the one we went in back in Wisconsin. A locked door sealed the opening and there were all sorts of lights and walkways throughout the cave.

A lot of the cave formations were the same though, and it was nice to see them once again. Also, the cool temperature was a nice change from the hot Arkansas sun.


Right next to Mystic Cavern is another large cave known as Crystal Dome. This cave was found when someone was using some heavy equipment to do some work on the property where Mystic Cavern is. It was truly a sight to behold.

When the water levels rise in a nearby lake, this cave actually floods for a while. When compared to Mystic Cavern, Crystal Dome is considered to be an active cave. This is because growth of the cave formations can be observed in Crystal Dome.

When enjoyed the sights down here and stood in awe at many of the things that we saw. The height of the main room down there is seventy feet tall! It was nice to not only be able to experience this ourselves, but to bring our children and the grandson of @vcelier along too. Things like this must be so cool at that age!

I think that the next time @grandpa-pepper is down we may have to plan another trip. The experience alone is worth it, but the memories are priceless. It was so great to be able to share this experience with “people we met online,” the steemians @vcelier and @naru-celier! Steem on folks, this is getting interesting here on steemit!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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