Three mothers with six children going to Africa???

I told you about our emazing trip to Africa with my partner and my daughter. She was 2,5 years old at the time.
I think I can tell, I really left piece of my heart there. I love the place and I know, my daughter was happy and free there as well.
I had a plan to go there again – it was a year back. But then I realized I'm pregnant again and sudenly I had a very different troubles to solve than trip to Africa.
My beautiful daughter Lin was born and we bacame a good team together. Me, Baru and Lin. My partner left to New Zeland for a few months and we are enjoying a beautiful summer in Czech… three girls from jungle.
But the summer gonna be away soon. And what to do in a winter? I don't like winter in Czech very much. Autumn can be nice here. After autumn is starting charming cristmas time and I love Christmas in Czech. But after this time comes dark, long and cold winter in a city… and it's too long and too depresive waiting three months for a spring.
So, I'm sitting here in my flat, with a three months old baby sleeping on my chest and my feets are itchy. Itchy to travel.
Maybe I do look like a crazy irresponsible mother, If I think about traveling with kids. But I already have been there and My friend (czech girl) gave birth to her first boy tehre in Cameroon, a few days back, she delivered another boy here in Czech and she is getting ready to go back to her husband in Cameroon. With two kids as well. We know it's not so big deal. Just the journey can be hard. Probably still not so hard, like the depresive long winter in Czech.
And! I had a talk with my another friend from school. Girl, who know a lot about livestock, she is kynolog and we desperately need someone who can help us with animals in Cameroon now! And she would love to go there with us. But! She is mother of two girls as well. 2 and 5 years old…
So… now we are thinking, if it's possible to go together. Three young mothers from Czech, with six white children going to camerunian mountains, work for saving forest? It sounds crazy… I love the crazy idea. And I hope we gonna realize the idea soon. Wish us luck!
And if you wont to know more about the place where we are going to safe the forest, follow @kedjom-keku

Just a part of the travelling group :)

Traveling with one child is not so hard... so, what about six of them?
Cameroon (3).JPG

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