Heading North along Malaysia’s East Coast

After being in Singapore, we headed back to the yacht in Malaysia. Due to strong Northerly winds which are a result of the Northeast Monsoon, we had to delay our departure by another day.

When we finally left, the conditions were still unpleasant. We motored straight into the swell and wind for the entire night, gettin bashes and beaten around. It was impossible to take a shower let along standing up and goi to the toilet! The next morning we reached more sheltered waters on the leeward side of Pulau Tinggi.

We spent a day and night there resting, eating, swimming and listening to some music.

After a good night’s rest, The sunrise was a welcoming blessing. It was beautiful, with drastic clouds looming over the island and gusts of wind whirling around us.


Please excuse the quality of the panorama, the image was taken with my iPhone.


After checking the weather we decided to sail further north for the day. The next island to seek shelter at is Pulau Seri Buat! It sure looks like a beautiful place from google earth!



Source: Google Earth

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