If Life Is About Memories, What Kind Of Memories Are You Building ? And My Original Poem “Life Is Full Of Memories”

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I was in the spectacular Terelj National Park, 50 miles of Ulanbator, Mongolia, when I saw a beautiful rainbow. This was one of the few times when I could see the whole rainbow from one end to the other end. I tried to take a photo of the whole rainbow but managed to take only one end of it. The scenery by itself is already so beautiful, vast grassland with the pine-covered mountains in the background. The ger that we are staying is located in Gorkhi River Valley and the appearance of the rainbow compounded the beauty of this magnificent place. In the middle of the Mongolian wilderness, the rainbow and I shared a beautiful moment together. Then a miracle happened (at least to me it was a miracle), part of a second rainbow appeared. The rainbows maybe optical illusions and fleeting but the moment was magical and the image of the two rainbows in the wide blue sky will be forever etched in my memory.

A rainbow in the wild grassland of Mongolia. At the right is the Gers (Mongolian Tents) where I spent the night. A totally new experience and very memorable.

The family that we stayed with reared animals such as horses, goats and sheep.

The stunning scenery of the Mongolian grassland with the pine-covered mountains in the background

The new friendship formed part of our memories. This photo was taken at the Chinggis Khan Complex.

Roselind and I dressed in full Mongolian costume.

That is when I come to the realization that life consists of memories, memories that we can cherished forever. Therefore, we should strive to build beautiful memories especially with our love ones. Let our lives be filled with memories of spectacular sceneries like this one, memories of happy and sad times spent with loved ones, memories of special events, memories of love, memories of laughter and the list goes on. My Trans-Mongolia Train adventure will be one of these special memories that I will cherish in my lifetime. I hope that you will enjoy reading my poem “Life Is Full Of Memories.

Life Is Full Of Memories

When we passed on
We left behind
Our physical possessions
And material wealth
Bringing with us
Only our precious memories

Even in this present world
Things that we buy
Will depreciate and rot
Instead we should invest
Our time, money and effort
On building beautiful memories

It has even been proven
That money spent one experiences
Will bring us more happiness
Than money spent on
Buying material things
But we don’t need a study to tell us that

Now that we are old
Sitting on a rocking chair
We have a lifetime of
Beautiful memories to cherish
For these memories belong to us
To recall our rich and fruitful lives

Do check out my previous posts
Off The Beaten Track: Exploring The Hutongs Of Beijing
Where Am I Going
Trapped Within

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

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