Trans-Mongolia Railway Adventure: A Holiday On My Way To A Holiday

My wife Roselind and I finally received our Russian visas last week and with that the last hurdle has been cleared for our Trans- Mongolia Railway Adventure. I am not very sure why but it seems that it is not easy for Malaysians to obtain Russian visas, and there are cases where it took 1 month or more to process the visa.

Why The Trans-Mongolia Railway Adventure

The Trans-Mongolia Railway Adventure has been on my bucket list for some time. It is not easy to execute due to the complexity of the holiday itself, the difficulty in buying the train tickets, the length of the holidays and the amount of money involved. But the opportunity to travel all the way from Beijing to St Petersberg is something not to be missed.

For the past number of years, Roselind and I have been going for holidays overseas once or twice a year. Already in our mid-fifties, we intend to travel while we are still healthy and mobile. Our decision to take this holiday now is that this trip will be physically demanding and we may not be as energetic in our latter years. Added to the fact that we are also in a financial position to be able to afford such a trip. Of course, we are not shoe-string budget but we will not splurge either. Most of our accommodation will be at hostels where I hope I can meet fellow budget travelers.

There is no train network in Borneo, therefore my train journey itself is both my holiday and an adventure on my way to a holiday. I look forward to the fascination of sitting on a train while transversing the ever-changing magnificent landscape. Basically we lead hurried lifestyle and being busy is part of our daily routine. The train journey will provide an opportunity for us to reflect on our lives, our future directions and basically to sit and relax and watch the world go by.

The Up-Coming Trip: Some Fun Facts

Number of Days: 24 days

Beijing, China (3 nights)
Ulan Bator, Mongolia (3 nights)
Irkutsk, Siberia (4 nights)
Moscow, Russia (2 nights)
St Petersberg, Russia (3 nights)

Nights Spent On Train: 8 nights

Longest Stretch: From Irkutsk to Moscow (4 nights on the train)

Distance traveled: 6050 km by rail

I am looking forward to his journey with great anticipation and hope to be able to blog about it on a daily basis. Bon Voyage.

All images from Pixabay.

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