Sustainable Scouting Mission and Cliff Diving Adventure In Preparation For Our Epic Lake Party AND Steemit Meetup! BONUS Video!


Its full heat summer here in Texas! Its a perfect time for a Garden of Eden Lake Party!

It is so nice to swim in the lakes in the heat of the summer, and with cliffs to jump/dive off of it's even more EPIC! 

You can see a couple videos of these 20+ foot cliffs and how much fun it is! First video is of a jump and last video is of a dive of which is much more scary and dangerous!

Because of the summer heat and the great potential for sustainability in such a party, @truthproductions is producing a Cliff Diving Lake and Bake Fundraiser! This will be an awesome 2.5 day event of lake fun, in which we will also host our 3rd Steemit Meet Up!!!

We expect to tailor the Steemit Meet Up to new users and will cover topics like how to create an account, does Steemit work, what is cryptocurrency, etc. while enjoying the great outdoors and fine company. Check out this post to learn more about the meet up. @truthproductions will provide media coverage, so we can share the adventure on the blockchain!

I recently went to Lake Whitney in Texas on a scouting mission to help plan the event!

I dedicated myself to the principles of sustainability over a decade ago and have been embodying this every day since, and even in party preparations it is no different!

Obviously camping and swimming in the lake is very sustainable in and of itself, so that's a GREAT start for an epic sustainable party! However, there is still gas to be acquired and food to be eaten--which is generally not sustainable. To offset this, all of the food for this party will be provided via the unprecedented sustainable practices perfected by The Garden of Eden, including an outdoor kitchen running on trash wood and everything. 

Look how much fun this is, and we get to do it for days on end!

To offset the carbon footprint and also cost for the gas to this lake, I was sure to come negative zero on that as well! 

When one is truly committed there is always a way!

The Lake is a little over an hour south from The Garden of Eden. There's not much out there. Even the streets signs are old school country! Gotta keep them up with piles of rocks haha

There isn't much out that way but some dry grasses and old churches....Can always count on lots of churches in Texas!

Yet even in barren land, there are cool things to see for someone who is paying attention!

First off, I took a trailer and picked up 7 FOOD GRADE 55gallon barrels in PERFECT condition! These are worth $25-$55 depending on where and how you get them. I not only got them for FREE but actually SAVED them from the trash!

The gas was only $20, so I am already under zero carbon footprint just with this pick up alone!

Not only that, but I was able to meet a kind old lady who was not only happy to have me take these barrels off her hands but proud of me for living so sustainably. 

This is an Epic Threads Outfit with hand made hand painted, SUSTAINABLE, custom made pink GOE logo hat, custom made pink paracord and leather belt, hand made 1090 high carbon steel pink bone handle blade, handmade in the GOE pink 550 lb test parachute-cord survival bracelet, pink hand made custom necklace from my Medicinal Jewelry Line and hand made custom "Epic Threads" I Am shirt. The only part of this outfit that is not part of my jewelry/clothing/knife line are the pink crocs, which are a MUST for the perfection of this outfit!

You may think an old Christian woman wouldn't like or get along with me, but I have found there is SO much more that people have in common than not. I try and focus on love, well being, mutual benefit, and common purpose. This helps bring us together despite our differences instead of driving us apart.  She was very happy to get this photo with me too!

Next up on my negative zero carbon footprint adventures is collecting all the metal trash from the dumpsters. This takes awhile, but not only do I save MANY lbs of trash from the landfill, but I also get a few $$$ for it! My carbon footprint success and profit just keep going up!

There was also lots of prickly pear cacti to harvest and bring back to The Garden of Eden for making jam!

So by the end of this scouting adventure, which I went on to plan and prepare for our epic event coming up, I actually made more money than I spent and saved more resources than were used and PLANNED out a way to have an EPIC weekend party at the lake and do it sustainably too!

Here is one last video of a cliff DIVE! If I don't see you at the lake, then I will do some epic jumps for you!

Be sure to check out this event, and if there is any way to make it please do! It will not only be a LOT of fun but will fuel the revolutionary cause we live for!

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