☣ My travels into the gloomy past ☣

Most people like to travel to other countries. Sea, hotels, sun and sand.
And I love to tickle my nerves. The mystery, the sense of danger, adrenaline, deathly silence ...

In one of my first posts, namely "introduceyourself", some people liked my hobby - visiting the abandoned places. Well, guys, this post is for you!

I want to tell you about my unusual hikes through abandoned places where time has stopped. In my travels, I took a friend or a brother.
Photos are very few, because I have chosen the best of them.

1. Military Medical Institute.

This institution was abandoned in 2011 due to lack of funding. The object is protected.
So, my friend and I arrived at the place, began to observe the movement of the guards. Guard small, so seeing one, we went around the object on the other side and climbed over the fence.
On the face of the object is a large building with something like a dome (the building formerly belonged to the monastery) and a small garage for the technique.

Inside the building is incredibly quiet, as if time has stopped here.

Everywhere lying around various medical reference books, portraits, gasmasks, manuals and textbooks.

We found an old film strip with some training films. By the way there is a movie theater where appear and playback these movies.

Going to one of the rooms we felt a sharp odor. Donning respirators, we went to the room and found the cause of the smell - bulb with chemicals.

In spite of the already well-established warm spring, in some places still covered with snow. Strange...

2. Radio Engineering Plant.

I think the title is clear, what can I do a variety of electronic parts.
In appearance it is a great long household building with a huge hall. Inside the gloomy dark empty corridors, and a deathly silence.

In one of the rooms we found very strange and old computer, probably from the 70's. There were a lot of old equipment, computers, televisions and calculators.

We went down to the basement where it was very cold, and it was a little flooded. Behind the building was a warehouse.

The main hall is very extensive.
In stock were placed some barrels, and felt a sharp unpleasant smell from them, we immediately went there.

3. Instrument Factory.

The old long building, which does not penetrate the light, from which it is incredibly dark and very dangerous. With the help of a flashlight, we walked from office to office. Old posters of Arnold Schwarzenegger, instructions, plans and so on.

A lot of holes and dips. Found the corpse of a dog, people said that the cultists love this place.

The midst of all building a smart area, apparently there were machines.

Seeing the stairs down, we go down on it and felt cold. With each step, the cold felt stronger. There was a door to the shelter and plenty of water on the floor.

4. Abandoned Hotel.

High 9 floor building was not finished and abandoned at the end of 1970.
Inside of itself does not represent anything interesting. Just empty.

Hazards include elevator shaft. I've read that some guy committed suicide by jumping there.
In the basement was an unbearable smell of the alcohol, or chemicals. We found some shells on the windowsill. Interestingly why they are here ...

From the roof was an interesting view.

5. Abandoned military base.

The road to it is dangerous. And it is dangerous evil stray dogs.
Two barracks, garages. Inside, nothing interesting, except for the remaining mid-1990s with posters and various military slogans.

Assembly Hall turned into something like a greenhouse for a variety of shrubs and bushes.

6. Abandoned children's health camps.

The path to it was a very long, difficult and distant. Through the forest thickets with ticks.
The road to the camp itself was filled with an incredible amount of dust. And it was like a fog, as if we were walking in the "Silent HIll".

Inside the camp buildings full of old children's books, a little toy.

Some strange pictures.

Surprisingly, indoor fairly light, flashlight is not needed. In this camp, some special atmosphere. It is located in the middle of the forest. A fresh and pleasant air, and a certain sense of nostalgia of the past.

I hope you liked my post!

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