[Travel Blog]Travelling with me in real time to Les Arcs Ski Resort!!!Part#10 The End

This is the last post of this Les Arcs Ski Trip Series which is my first travel blog in Steemit and more other trips will be coming soon.

這是我這個Les Arcs 滑雪之旅的最後一章,而這個系列是我第一個在Steemit 分享的旅行遊記,而我將會分享更多其他的遊記。

In January, I went to Les Arcs Skiing resort for 5 days snowboarding which is the most beautiful resort that I have ever been to. The snow mountain view is amazing, the snow quality is the best, the weather is wonderful.

在1月份,我到了Les Arcs滑雪埸滑了5天的雪,這是我人生中去過最捧的滑雪埸!她擁有最莊觀的雪山景色,最好的雪質,最美的天氣。

Introducing Les Arcs

Les Arcs is in the town of Bourg-Saint-Maurice, France. It is located at the south-east of France, near Switzerland and Italy.

Les Arcs 位處於法國東南面的Bourg-Saint-Maurice小鎮,接壤北面的瑞士和東面的意大利。

Les Arcs Ski resort is mainly divided into three areas: Les Arcs 1600, 1800 and 2000 which represent the altitude of the areas. Most of the people will live in Les Arcs 1800 including me where all the supermarkets, restaurants, pubs are located.

Les Arcs滑雪埸主要分為三個部份,分別是Les Arcs 1600, 1800 和2000,數字代表了海拔。大多數的人都住在Les Arcs1800因為所有的超市,餐廳,酒吧都在那裡。

The slopes are suitable for all levels of snowsports lovers from complete beginner to professional. It also includes some snowparks that allow you to do some freestyles.



The Trip

After 20 hours bus travelling from the UK to Les Arcs, I finally arrived. I walk through the resort and enjoy the view of the snow mountains. I am really excited and look forward to the first taste of slope.



This is where I lived. It included all the cooking utensils like microwave, oven, etc...



Every time I woke up, I can look at the snow mountain.



For the rest of the days, I kept on non-stop snowboarding and snowboarding. I had some basics skills before this trip so I didn't take a course and start self-learning. At first, I always fell but it was not painful at all as the snow was quite soft and thick. Through tremendous times of falling, I finally knew how to link turns and went down a slope without a single fall. Below are some highlighted photos.

在接下來的幾日,我都是在不停地滑雪。來這裡之前我會一些基本的技巧,所以我沒有上任何的堂而選擇自學。經過無數的跌倒,最後終於能夠做S turn的技巧並在不跌倒的程況下滑下雪道。以下是我的照片。


And I also edited some highlighted videos that taken from my GoPro and uploaded to Dlive.


The Freestyle video.

The Whole Trip highlights.


Les Arcs is a really good place for snowsports activities and worth going. The snow quality is good, the view is stunning, and the facilities are adequate. It is suitable for all levels of skiers or snowboarders. And there are skiing playgrounds for the children too. So I highly recommend you guys go there!

Les Arcs是一個非常正的滑雪埸,十分值得去。雪質好,景色靚,設施足。而且適合任何人士,並設有兒童滑雪埸,適合一家大小到來。因此我推薦你們到那裡!

My Introduction post

English Version
Chinese Version

My previous travel post

Les Arcs Ski Trip[Whole trip Highlight Videos#9][FreeStyle Video#8]


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