The Rolling Hills of the Peak District / 峰区连绵起伏的丘陵

You may have heard of the beautiful Lake District in rural England but do you know we have a Peak District too? Located in the Midlands at the southern tip of the Pennine range, it's a lavish countryside full of picturesque hills, mountains and countryside. There are actually two Peak Districts, The White Peak and The Dark Peak. Both areas have their own unique characteristics which make up one of Britain’s most recognised national park. 

你也许听说过英国的湖区(Lake District),有没有听说过峰区(Peak District)呢?峰区位于英格兰中部和北部的高地,其地势崎岖,山峦起伏,河谷和丘陵相辉映。峰区,顾名思义,肯定是有山的,呵呵。这里有很多不同的峰,主要是北面的 “Dark Peak” 和南面的“White Peak”,它们有着各自不同的地质和个性,共同组成了英国最著名的国家公园 (Peak District National Park). 

The Peak District has some of the most gorgeous pastoral scenery and natural environments I have ever seen in my life. I noticed quite a few British people visiting there for a brief getaway to go sightseeing and hiking for the weekend, weather permitting of course. A few hiking clubs are dotted around these regions providing tourist activities and group excursions.


While there, I joined the Peak Dirstrict's Monsal Trail from a place called Bakewell, which is considered one of the most accessible and popular viewpoints in Peak District. I was surrounded by lush, wide fields and rolling pastures as far as the far could see. The trail itself is 8½ miles long and I thoroughly recommend a trek along its path for further explorations. 

我们跟随着Monsal 徒步路线从Bakewell镇附近出发, 这是最多人选择游览峰区国家公园的起步地点。登山的路上景观辽阔,满眼是接连不断的田野和田野之间垒着英国特色的石栅栏。被包围在这缓缓起伏,一望无际,黄色与绿色交织的大草原里,让人感觉心旷神怡。 

A well-known local landmark is the Headstone Viaduct, a 300 foot long bridge with 5 massive 50 foot arches supporting it underneath. The view when looking up from below is truly breathtaking. Built in 1863, it was actually seen as quite a controversial project in terms of being destructive to the surrounding landscape. But now years later, it’s generally considered a monument of English heritage. 


(Steam trains crossing the bridge from long ago)

(Image Source)

If you ever want a rest from all that walking, Hobb’s Café is a great place to stop by for some home-made ice-cream and delicious fresh scones. It’s also located at the top of Monsal Head, a popular tourist spot for enjoying even more spectacular views of the Derbyshire Peak District below. Highly recommended. 

如果走累了想小歇一会儿,Hobb’s咖啡店可是个好去处,强烈推荐他们自制的雪糕和传统的英式松饼加奶油。咖啡店位于Monsal 山顶, 从这里可以一览Derbyshire的美丽田园风景, 是众多游客停留欣赏和拍照的地方。 

I continued my trek up to Dovedale which is a famous valley in Peak District. Over a million visitors come to this place every year. The peaks of either side of the valley are a great spot to relax and enjoy the rolling hills that seem to stretch for miles in every direction. Grazing sheep and cows dot the landscape below to add to the harmonious calm of your surroundings.  


(The blue markings of the sheep signify which group they belong to)

(Small stepping stones over a stream in Dovedale)

(Ilam church in Dovedale)

Peak District is a vast expanse of land which is a popular tourist destination for many who come to the UK. Given how large the area was, I unfortunately only had time to cover The White Peak sections of the park. However, there is no doubt I’ll be returning to view The Dark Peak next time as from what I experienced there so far, this is a small slice of paradise hidden away in the heart of England. Well worth your time and effort to visit here, you won’t be disappointed. 


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