A Dream Awakened

 We sat in silence, slowly sipping our coffee while watching the wave’s crash to the shore, as the day slowly evolved. We didn’t need to talk to both understand this moment was a dream awakened from a long slumber. 

 In recent years, I have dreamt of this so many times. Whenever I was asked to describe my perfect day it has always, without fail, started as just this scenario.

We woke when the sun rose and our internal body clock said it was time. We enjoyed a short walk on the beach, the dogs frolicking in the sand and sea, happy to be together as a pack. 

 Back at camp I made coffee as Jim got our chairs in the optimal position for a slow wakeup call before our main day began.

So far on this journey, we have had several similar mornings, but even more marred by weather or other circumstances. Some potentially perfect mornings were cut short simply because it was a travel day.

But today was IT. My perfect day. After breakfast we all wandered along the beach the mile or two into town, dipping in and out of the water as the sun became warm. On the way back we mostly moved in silence, simply taking in the simplicity of the day. 

 Back at camp, the dogs are napping, Jim is reading, and I write this; all while sitting under a shaded palapa, the waves of the incoming surf crashing ever closer to camp. A sense of contentment hangs heavily over us all. We are happy here. The dogs are happy here. In this simple camp, far away from many of the conveniences expected of modern life, we are at peace.

How will the rest of the day commence? That remains to be seen, although a shower is certainly in order after several long travel days, before sundowners on the beach and a fantastic Dutch oven dinner eaten, back where our day began~ right here on this amazing piece of sand that we are lucky enough to call our own for a couple of days. 

Originally published at The Next Big Adventure

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