Aussie’s in the USA - Part 2 - Hawaii - Waikiki and the North Shore

Waikiki and North Shore, Hawaii

Over the last 2 days we started by spending some quality time around Waikiki which, to be honest, is too touristy and similar to Surfers Paradise back home. But, when in Rome, so I grabbed a longboard and hoist the surf at Waikiki with the locals. The surf was disappointing but I can now tick that off my bucket list. I am not much of a long boarder but just being in the surf was amazing.

We spent the rest of the day walking around Waikiki and swimming and relaxing in the spa.... Oh what a tough day!

The next day we grabbed our hire cars and headed for the alluring North Shore of Hawaii. Since I was a kid, I have always wanted to visit this area and stand on the beach of the infamous ‘Banzai Pipeline’ and check out Waimea Bay and Haleiwa. It was this day that I got to check these off my bucket list.




First stop was Haleiwa and some food trucks for lunch. The famous Giovanni’s shrimp truck resides here but the little people went for yummy crepes instead!


Haleiwa Bay is amazing. We sat for a while and watched the Green Turtles graze on the algae on the rock less than a metre from the shore. It was breathtaking and the kids were awe-struck.

Banzai Pipeline



Here I am standing between the warning signs on the beach at ‘Pipeline’. The surf wasn’t too big but I didn’t get a chance to surf (helps if you have a board) but being there was just amazing.


The kids had a ball though burying themselves totally in the haloed sand!

Ted’s Bakery

The final stop on the road trip was the famous Ted’s Bakery where we purchased some famous Chocolate and Banana Cake/Pie. It was delicious and well worth the stop.


That’s a re-cap of the past few days. Stay tuned for more adventures on our USA trip!

Thanks for reading.

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